Review,  Fantasy,  Mythology

Book Review : The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #2) by Rick Riordan // adventurous mythical urban fantasy

The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #2) by Rick Riordan
Publication Date: 2013 (first published April 1st 2006)
Publisher : Penguin Group
Read Date : January 27th 2019
Pages : 288
Stars : 5/5


It’s not easy being a half-blood these days. Even a simple game of dodgeball becomes a death match against an ugly gang of cannibal giants – and that was only the beginning.

Now Camp Half-Blood is under attack and, unless I can get my hands of the Golden Fleece, the whole camp will be invaded by monsters. Big ones… 

The sea of monster was another perilous quest of Percy Jackson in which he has to save his friend Grover and camp at the same time. This time he gets little help from his father and other God. This book showed strength of team work, friends and family (even though it’s messy) and how these three bonds together can conquer biggest enemy and help in completing any quest.

As usual characterization was the second best part of this book. They were little developed and learn new things as they move ahead in life and book. New characters were introduced in this book.

Tyson– Percy’s half-brother. He was big baby Cyclops, so cute, funny and loving but because of Annabeth’s bad history and Percy’s jealousy, poor guy was not appreciated enough. His affable, caring and protective nature won heart of Percy, Annabeth and all camper in the end.

Tantalus was horrible camp director. I was surprised he was chosen as a director while Gods could have chosen some other reasonable person. I mean how they could give future of their kids in hands of not-so-ideal father/person!! But as Hermes said ‘immortal families are eternally messy’.

Annabeth saved Percy’s butt many times here. She was brave, brilliant and also accepted her fatal flaw. Percy managed to work with Clarisse ever the brave and difficult to deal with and also even impressed her in the end, ‘for time being’, by his cool nature. I loved how author showed strength of female characters over male protagonist in this book.

Percy was great friend and a good-hearted person and showed his true nature, while fighting Polyphemus and what he did with flees after quest, which might be his fatal flaw. He developed more by overcoming his jealousy about how his dad gave attention to his half-brother, who showed up without warning, and accepted him as a brother in the end.

The book started with a Percy’s nightmare, something his mother was hiding about camp half-blood and last day of 7th grade turned into cannonball fight with monsters, blowing up the gym and running from the police. Couldn’t expect more action in the beginning right? There was more! Camp half-blood under attack, Thalia’s tree dying due to poison, magical border deteriorating. Camp itself was dying! Only few weeks left and only way to save it was magical Golden Fleece. Hold your ponies readers, things are going to be more action packed, tragic and entertaining.

As and when necessary few things were explained from the first book like what is half-blood, who was Grover and what was his satyr brothers work, about camp, Clarisse and camp’s director- all things to recall from first book if you have taken long time to read sequel, of course not in repetitive manner.

As usual camp Half-blood and Greek mythology along with characters was my most favorite part of the book. Story of Tantalus, Golden Fleece was beat to read. Oh and shocking part was knowing who Chiron’s father was. I loved how Rick Riordan depicted monsters and scenes, he teaches Greek myth in most entertaining way with flawless writing and gripping adventure.

Another thing I liked about Rick Riordan’s writing is his amusing references -‘ Charybdis got louder- a horrible wet roar like the galaxy’s biggest toilet being flushed’. ‘Charybdis was orthodontist’s nightmare.’ ‘The tree (Olive) struck him with such force it would’ve flattened me into a Percy Pizza with extra olives’. And some more that made me chuckle throughout the book.

Some tense scenes – knowing Luke’s plan on Cruz ship, why he poisoned Thalia’s tree and what he intended to do with fleece; fighting hydra; going through sea of monsters; escaping C.C’s Island, sirens and Polyphemus- made me sit anxiously with urge to read more and faster. We get to know bits of the big prophecy that involved Percy in this book.

Twist at the end of each chapter, suspense of prophecy, Titan Lord’s tricky plans for Percy made this dangerous quest full of excitement and action packed. Sassy Nature of Percy, innocence and golden heart of Tyson, Annabeth’s smartness through refreshing tone and perspective of Percy was fun to read. The bond between Percy and Tyson was charming and I loved to read this new trio on quest of saving old friend and ultimately end up saving more than what they intended.

Climax was utterly brilliant and end was shocking and a cliffhanger. I can’t wait to start next book in the series.

Overall, it was action packed, adventurous and fun to read. I highly recommend this book to YA, Greek Mythology lovers.

Author : Rick Riordan

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Previous book in series-

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