Children,  Review

#BlogTour #Review: The Beedog: An Insect Discovery in Portugal by Addie Broussard @TwoUmbrellasPls @rararesources


Hello Book Lovers! Today I’m happy to be part of the Blog tours for The Beedog: An Insect Discovery in Portugal by Addie Broussard, organized by Rachel’s Random Resources. Please check out book details review and attractive illustrations below. Don’t forget to follow posts by participants of the tour.


The Beedog: An Insect Discovery in Portugal  by Addie Broussard

Publication Date: 7th June 2018

Publisher: Two Umbrellas Media

Read Date: August 24th 2018

Genre: Children’s science book

Target age: 4-8 years

Pages: 42

Stars: 5/5

5 star


An award-winning picture book that will get little ones excited about science.

While building a unique sandcastle, Cora and Manny spot a rather curious insect.
Soon, the little scientists keep a watchful eye on the insect’s movements, while learning about the natural environment along the way.

A great book for STEM education and home-school projects or just curious little ones who love science. Book extras include fun, printable activities related to science learning and research.


A colorful scientific classroom book about the insect discovery on the beach by character of the book, Cora and many, who later research more about the insect and shares the information with their friends in school.

The opening of the book was great with two friends enjoying their day on beach in Portugal where an insect draw their attention and make them curious to know more about it. They didn’t know what it is called so gave it a funny name ’The Beedog’. I won’t tell you which insect it was you can take the hint from the cover.

Both kids did a good research and found out details themselves. I liked their observational and research skill. They used technology in smart way and prepared the series of question answers to share with friends. It gave a good bit of information to readers including the importance of scientific name and interesting facts on the insect and other rare types.

I liked the way author included travel, technology, beach, and learning info in fun way that attracts young readers and teachers to the book. What I loved most about the book was fun activity at the end of the book that will encourage kids to observe surrounding, research, Google things and make a notes on it just like characters in the book. There is also a game, a creativity page for kids who love to draw, questions that kids can answer from the picture book and creative writing prompts. Amazing, right?


It was a fun way to teach kids. Teachers can imitate fun activity from this book and can teach kids about other insects, plants, animals, birds and many more things.

Overall, it was colorful resourceful educational book with fun way of teaching that all kids would love to read and learn. It is best book teachers can have in their classroom.


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Author Bio:

twoumbrellas-addie-profile-02.jpgAddie is an avid traveler, and once went on a solo journey to fifteen countries in one year. When she encounters something unique, she writes about it. Her first published picture book, The Beedog, is about a curious insect that she found in southern Portugal.

Addie began her writing journey when she was just nine years old, with a book called Doggienauts. That book has been updated and is set for publication in 2018. Addie is originally from the United States and is currently a full-time traveler. Home is where her suitcase is.

Illustrator Bio:

Joyeeta Neogi

Joyeeta is a children’s book illustrator who has worked with international authors and publishers. Her engagement with worldwide clients and multicultural themes has allowed her to create captivating original animal and child characters. Her art captures the expressions, movements and vibrancy of life within simple compositions to bring the author’s story to life. In her free time, Joyeeta is busy with painting and music. She loves to paint in oil and acrylic, and has also developed a passion for watercolor.

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*** Note: I received e-copy of the book as a part of Blog Tour, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author Rachel’s Random Resources and Publishers. ***


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