

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?’ is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It’s a great post to organise yourself. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.

Hello Book Lovers! Hope you all had a cheerful week. Last week I had been busy in social life among my girl’s needs and her routine check up that I only read 1 book.

What I read last week –

Currently reading –


“The plot is hilarious with many twists and turns that you don’t see coming” -Rosie Amber Review Team (Top 100 UK Book Blogger)

When London crime boss, Jack Murray, saves Zenka’s life she becomes his guardian angel. But this angel doesn’t come with fluffy wings. She wants to get tooled up and hit the streets.

But Jack doesn’t want her to go around murdering his enemies. (The last thing he needs is a turf war). The project he has in mind requires a delicate approach …

You see, Jack has received a letter from an old girlfriend saying he has a son, Nicholas. This is fantastic news, but there’s a problem. Nicholas is a wimp, bullied by his girlfriend and bullied by, well, everyone. Can Zenka make him into the sort of son any self-respecting villain would be proud of? 

Zenka takes up the challenge. “Don’t vorry, Jack. Ven I am finished vith Nicholas he vill be dog’s bollocks just like his papa.” She grabs a gun and musters the mob.

Nicholas plans to marry Penelope and settle in suburbia. He leads a tranquil, if uneventful, life. That is, until he falls in love with a mysterious Hungarian girl who begs him to protect her. Protect her?! He’s qualified to nurse the elderly handicapped – not attack lantern-jawed thugs in leather jackets.

Frustrated by his cowardice, Zenka turns up the heat. Her tactics become more bizarre, more illegal, and soon events begin to spin out of control.

Meanwhile, Jack’s accountant believes the letter is a lie and investigates.

Which is when the secrets come out – and now someone is going to pay with their life …

“I was laughing one minute and then holding my breath, afraid of what was coming” -Susan Loves to Read

Next this week –


It’s the year 2031. Our future. Their present. A world decimated by climate catastrophe, where the sun’s heat is deadly and the ocean rises higher every day. A world ruled by the rich, powerful, and corrupt. A world where a good man can’t survive for long. 

Hogan Duran was a good man once. He was a cop, forced to resign in disgrace when he couldn’t save his partner from a bullet. Now Hogan lives on the fraying edges of society, serving cruel masters and scavenging trash dumps just to survive. 

But after four years of living in poverty, Hogan finally gets a chance to get back on his feet. He’s invited to join the National Security Council, the powerful paramilitary organization responsible for protecting the rich and powerful from the more unsavory elements of society. All he needs to do is pass their deadly entrance exam, and he’ll be rewarded with wealth and opportunity beyond his wildest dreams. 

But this ex-cop’s path to redemption won’t be easy. The NSC are hiding something, and as Hogan descends deeper and deeper into their world, he starts to uncover the terrible truth of how the powerful in this new world maintain their power…and just how far they will go to protect their secrets. 

In a world gone wrong, can one man actually make a difference, or will he die trying? 

Kill Code is the first novel in an exciting new dystopian science fiction series from the mind of award-winning author, screenwriter, and director Clive Fleury. 

Fans of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey, and Divergent by Veronica Roth will be captivated by Kill Code

You’ll also love this book if you enjoy: 
Dystopian novels and stories 
Stories about futuristic societies 
Stories about disgraced cops 
Stories about unlikely heroes 
Stories about conspiracies 
Stories about injustice


Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.



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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


  • authorchucksmith

    What I’m reading now may interest you. My normal fare of detective fiction would not.
    I have started the first draft of a short story and my protagonist is taking an American Lit. class on the southern author Erskine Caldwell. As I haven’t read anything by Caldwell in fifty years, I searched out a Kindle copy of his Tobacco Road.
    While Caldwell was an excellent author (with obviously good editorial help), his setting and characters are so dreary. I had forgotten the obvious pall of despair in this story.
    Don’t read this if you’re in a sad, dark place.
    Tobacco Road by Erskine Caldwell originally published through Charles Scribner and sons. Now available in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle.

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