Cozy Mystery,  Review

Broken Heart Attack (Braxton Campus Mysteries #2) by James J. Cudney @jamescudney4

Broken Heart Attack (Braxton Campus Mysteries #2) by James J. Cudney
Publication Date : November 25th 2018
Read Date : January 18th 2018
Genre : Cozy Mystery
Pages : 272
Stars : 5/5

When an extra ticket becomes available to see the dress rehearsal of King Lear, Kellan tags along with Nana D and her buddies.

When one of them dies of an apparent heart attack in the middle of second act, Nana D raises her suspicions and asks Kellan to investigate the death. With family members suddenly in debt and a secret rendezvous between an unlikely pair, Kellan learns that the Paddingtons might not be as clean-cut as everyone thinks.

But can Kellan find the killer, or will he get caught up his own stage fright?

It was a cozy, murder mystery, revolved around main character Kellan and another murder at Braxton Campus. Book was about greed, betrayal, and family drama.

Kellan was the brilliant one in the book. I liked him more than the first book. We get to know him on personal level as father and as a husband, son, grandson, son-in-law, friend and a human as well. He did his best in all those relationships. I couldn’t imagine myself so patient with this kind of in-laws and after knowing what they have done, just forget about it. I felt bad for what his wife did to him and I could understand his feelings. It was big and tough decision from his part. I liked he kept his cool until it was over the head situation. He was astute, funnier, one level up in sarcasm and a great person. And I would love to know him more in next book of the series.

Nana D was just amazing. That old lady was hilarious. She made me laugh throughout the book. At her 70 she had kept her life livelier than 20s that gave the book fresh and young feel. Emma, Kellan’s daughter, was most lovable character. I think I like sheriff now. A lady always frustrating and angry around Kellan surprisingly started to melt a little. We got to see new light side of her. Myriam was another vicious lady never missed an opportunity to berate Kellan. As he said in book he was surrounded by all sassy women whom he only could manage.

Plot was real interesting. The dead returns from the grave, In-laws threatening to return back to LA, Sherriff of the county is angry for his nosy involvement in the case. Nana D’s new obsession apart from finding partner for Kellan- run for mayoral race, she and her septuagenarian friend persuading him to solve the complicated case of their friend, new boss at campus has risen the level of vicious remarks… Things were real complicated in Kellan’s life.

Author has nicely switched to the other wing of the Braxton Academy. In first book Academic Curveball, the mystery was surrounding Grey sports complex, this time its surrounding the play house.

Book was first person narrative from witty perspective of Kellan with flawless writing, engaging mystery, and complex family dynamics. The setting was the same Wharton Country, Pennsylvania but there was some more details added to it by describing Paddigton mansion, rehab facility, general hospital, and running tracks on its beautiful landscape.

There were many characters and all were creative and described with utmost detail. I never got confused with who was who and I loved to have close look to all of them.

Penddington family dynamic was more complex than the murder mystery. Every member of the family were vile, mean, always-at-each-other’s-throat type with anger management issue, leaving just few sane people. Apart from getting to know Peddingtons, we get to know more about Francesca and Castigliano family– how Francesca died, how her relationship was with Kellan, how sudden turn in Kellan’s life would affect his future and his awkward relation with his ex-girlfriend Maggie.

I liked how all things were surrounded with the case and Kellan’s life and the way Kellan handled. It was most amusing to read Kellan and Sheriff’s banter and their slowly growing friendship. I’m looking forward to read this entertaining partnership in solving the cases. Two complicated love triangles are still a mystery that hopefully would sort out in the next book.

Suspense and mystery had a strong hold. I couldn’t guess who was the murderer until revelation. All characters related to Gwendolyn were suspect and they all had bad history with Gwendolyn that made things difficult.

Climax was engaging. I was curious to see how they are going to catch killer and how other members are going to react with unexpected turn. The end was- hilarious, of course because of Nana D; was satisfactory in terms of how Kellan and sheriff finally could get along, he made right decisions about Castigliano and his support to his sister; and also shocking because of what his mother-in-law said on phone call.

This series is getting more exciting.

Overall, it was engaging cozy mystery with creative and amusing character. I recommend to go in order to enjoy it fullest.

Author : James J. Cudney

Purchase Link : /

*** Note : I downloaded free kindle copy via amazon. ***


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