Fiction,  Review,  Women Fiction

The Holiday Cruise by Victoria Cooke // light-hearted holiday romance book

The Holiday Cruise

Hey book lovers! I’m getting so excited for the blog tour for The Holiday Cruise. Happy Book Birthday to Victoria Cooke! Many thanks to Rachel @ Rachel’s Random Resources for the tour invite and author and publisher for sending me eARC via NetGalley. Please check out the book details and my review in this post.

holiday romance book

Publication Date: September 15th 2017

Publisher: HQ Digital

Read Date: August 11th 2018

Pages: 384

Genre: Womens Fiction / Chick Lit / Holiday

Stars: 5/5

5 star


As if it weren’t enough to be cheated on by her husband of ten years, Yorkshire lass Hannah Davis is losing her beauty salon business too. Luckily, her big sister is there to pick up the pieces, but Hannah is desperate to find some independence.

Impulsively, Hannah applies for a spa job…on a cruise ship! Christmas in the Caribbean, springtime in the Mediterranean, what’s not to like? But, despite being in her thirties, Hannah has never done anything on her own before, and she’s terrified.

As the ship sets sail, Hannah has never been further from home…or closer to discovering who she is and who she wants to be.



The Holiday Cruise was lovely Chick Lit, holiday romance about Hanna who found her youth and true meaning of life after finding about her husband’s betrayal. The book was about self-discovery, living life freely and fully, getting over the betrayal and finding love at least expected time and place.

This was my first book by Victoria Cooke and I quite like the way she wrote it. Book was first person narrative. Hanna’s POV added more dramatic effect to the book and instantly drew me onto her story.

Things were pretty demoralizing for Hannah with husband leaving her for pretty young lady, a decade old business going down with no staff and no customers, pitiful eyes of villagers and more over losing the house. By little push and support of her sister, she found a new direction and freedom of life, leaving behind village and pain of separation. A job aboard Holiday Cruise.


At first Hannah was a bit childish and sulky, not acting according to her age which up to some extent was understandable what with all happened to her. But the opportunity came at just right time and we get to see Hannah that can’t be seen if she have stayed in village.

Jen was overly protective sister who exactly felt like mother to Hanna. I liked the way things got clear and better between them by the end and the way Jen let Hanna go out of her wings and let her live life she dreamt of. Ben was charming and lovely companion one would want on Holiday trip. He won everyone’s heart at the end of the book. I liked him but I liked Hanna more.

Side characters of the book were uplifting and supportive. They were very important in book and Hanna’s life. They all gave something to learn to Hanna that she lacked in herself and I was glad to see Hanna taking all of it positively. I loved all the friends she made on ship, specifically Pete who was like big brother to her.

What I liked

Life on cruise brought lot of changes in Hannah. New people, new friends, new places influenced her in lot of ways. One need to get out of the comfort zone to grow up and develop which was so appropriate in Hanna’s case. She grew up in true meaning. She started becoming happy, proactive, confident woman. She started appreciating Jen and all she did for her, she realized she was not truly happy with Daniel and how he made everything about himself and lead her life, and how village has become claustrophobic for her. The new Hanna on the ship was courageous, reckless, strong, leadings her own life, turning into smart grown up woman was surprising and delightful to read. I totally appreciate her decision later in the book regarding her plan.

All these was very encouraging and inspiring that give boost to readers like it did to Ben. The way she found love was interesting, the way they told their story I could feel connection between them instantly. I was happy it was not love at first sight. Author kept reasonable gap to develop proper feeling both for Hanna and Ben which felt natural and realistic.

I loved the way all the exotic destinations of the cruise were narrated and it was fun to read crew and Hanna’s experience at all those places. I like that author didn’t overly described things about the travel and adventure. Everything was perfectly blended keeping Hanna’s life on focus.

Climax was bit predictable and I thought I know how the book will end but author kept reader confused and unsure of the end. I loved the way things worked out in the end. It was wonderful feel good book that one would love to take on holiday.

Overall, it was light-hearted, entertaining, sweet romantic holiday read that readers of this genre will definitely enjoy.


Author Bio –

Victoria Cooke Image.JPGVictoria Cooke grew up in the city of Manchester before crossing the Pennines in pursuit of a career in education. She now lives in Huddersfield with her husband and two young daughters and when she’s not at home writing by the fire with a cup of coffee in hand, she loves working out in the gym and travelling. Victoria was first published at the tender age of eight by her classroom teacher who saw potential in a six-page story about an invisible man. Since then she’s always had a passion for reading and writing, undertaking several writers’ courses before completing her first novel, ‘The Secret to Falling in Love,’ in 2016

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*** Note: I received e-ARC of this book via NetGalley as a part of BlogTour, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Rachel@Rachel’s Random Resources, author, and publisher. ***

What do you think about the book and my review?
Have you read this book already or any book by this author?
Do you like to read Holiday themed book? Which one is your favorite?

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