
#AuthorInterview: with Vinita Bakshi, author of #31Miles @vinisb4

Hello Book Lovers! Today I’m pleased to share with you author interview with Vinita Bakshi, author of  31 Miles. I’m glad I got a chance to read this wonderful book and even more happy for getting a chance to interview the author. If you missed my review on 31 miles or would like to know more about book click⇒ HERE

About author_edited

I am a simple person born and brought up in Delhi. It hurts to see unhappy people all around due to different reasons. Thus, I created She Speaks to voice women issues and a cultural festival Aambrotsave with Literature, Art & Craft, Instrumental & Performing arts and food as it’s components. We also run a center for EWS and provide them informal education and holistic development completely free of cost. We also skill train women to make them financially independent.


Q. When and why did you begin writing?

31miles, I began writing in Nov 2012. There was this childhood birth story that had always haunted me. And I played with the concept of online relationship. Back then not many had started writing on digital relationships.

Q. How did you come up with the idea for your book?

As I said I had always felt he compulsive need to share this rebirth story.

Q. What draws you to this particular genre? Do you think writing will stay in the same genre?

Fiction intrigues me and will always be my first love. But I keep writing on a diverse range of topics in my blogs and for other publications.

Q. How did you break in publishing world? How many rejections did you go through before finding publisher? If so, what did you do to keep yourself hopeful?

I must must always be thankful to almighty and My publisher Rupa for this break. I was talking to Penguin too. But once Rupa said Welcome to Rupa authors club.  The wait was over.

Q. What was your favorite chapter (or part) of writing this book and why?

Developing online romance between Rajan and Mansa was interesting. I used Urdu, English and Hindi poetry and lot of quotes, shers to create Rajan. And it became my favorite chapter. 

Q. What was the hardest part of writing the book? Was there anything that you deleted or altered?

Developing online romance between Rajan and Mansa was the biggest challenge and the toughest part. Took me the longest to write that part. I never deleted or altered anything.

Q. What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?

Love is the greatest human emotion. Family is the greatest social institution.

Q. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?

Discipline, hard work and commitment to reach the finishing line.

Q. Who are some authors in your genre that inspire you?

Many and across genres – Roald Dahl, Tagore, Chekhov, Kafka, Leo Tolstoy, Premchand, Jane Austen, Amitav Ghosh, Rumi and so many

Q. What types of books do you enjoy in your downtime?

Anything from Business to fiction… depends on my mood

Q. What types of books do you enjoy in your downtime?

Anything from Business to fiction… depends on my mood

Q. What are your future project(s)? What’s it about? (*if relevant)

Yes …certainly. Lots is happening. One Hindi short novel – Bindu Ka Dayraa is complete and under discussion with publishers. Hopefully Hindi translation of 31miles should happen this year. I am also working on sequel of 31miles. A project, comprising true stories of women with a London based editor is also under progress.

Q. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Every book has its own destiny. Work hard on your manuscript and then work harder to get it published.

Q. What is your favorite motivational phrase?

There are three principles to success – hard work, hard work and hard work.

Q. Currently reading

The Lowland – Jhumpa Lahiri

Q. Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?

It was one of the longest list of questions that I have answered 😊

How can readers discover more about you and you work?

Website: www.vinitabakshi.com

Blog: http://vinitabakshi.blogspot.in/

Twitter: @vinisb4

Facebook Goodreads Linkedin Pinterest Smashwords

Book Links: (Amazon

Many thanks to author for taking the time out of busy schedule to take part in this interview.

Thank you for reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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