The Sunshine Blogger Award
I was nominated for Sunshine Blogger award by Heather @ Heather Tasker and Jenna @ Bookmark Your Thoughts. Don’t forget to visit and follow their blog, I’m sure you gone like them. You can check out their answers here and Here, respectively.
Technical stuff:
The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, optimistic and inspiring, while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.
The Rules:
• Thank the Blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to your blog.
• Answer the 11 Questions The Blogger asked to your blog.
• Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
• List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post or on your blog.
Questions given to me by Heather:
- What is your current obsession? A book/tv series/game you’re really into, a hobby, project?
For now it’s books. A particular one- whole Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. I can’t get over this series.
2. What is do you think your best quality is?
I’m active, health conscious and I keep my nose in books than in someone else’s life. I don’t invade anyone’s personal space.
3. If you could speak with anyone who’s ever existed, who would you chose?
I can’t think of any particular person. I’m not good with conversations and I always hesitate to start any.
4. Dogs or cats? Which do you like most and what do you have at home? (Feel fee to include pictures!)
Cats. I don’t have pets but my parents have a cat, I consider it mine whenever I visit them.
5. What is your “day job”? (Or how do you spend your day otherwise?)
None! I read books, watch TV, and cook. I live pretty ordinary house wife life.
6. What almost always works to improve your mood?
Mostly books and TV. If I’m angry, I let the anger out of my system as soon as possible or it won’t let me enjoy anything.
7. If money was not option, how would you spend your time?
A world trip for a year. Settle outside India. Take library course and spend my time around books.
8. What is your favorite book?
Percy Jackson series, LOTR, Harry Potter, Mortal Instruments.
9. Where do you fall in your family? Oldest, middle, baby, only child? Do you think that influences your role in the family?
I’m oldest. Being oldest has its own pros and cons but let just say I was less trouble for my parents and more mature and responsible than my younger brother. Shhh! Don’t tell this to him. And younger me was little bossy and very particular. Though I fought with my brother and we still have thought differences, I’m fiercely protective big sister.
10. What is the best piece of advice you have to share with the world?
Live and let live. It takes less efforts and and give tremendous amount of peace and happiness.
11. If you could time travel but could change absolutely nothing would you do it?
Definitely. It will be interesting to know actual history. For the same reason I liked Mr. Peabody & Sherman movie.
Questions given to me by Jenna:
- What made you want to start a book blog?
Goodreads and bloggers on Goodreads.
2. Tell us one thing about yourself that you probably haven’t shared in your posts.
There is nothing left to tell anymore!
3. Name three books releasing this year that you’re most excited for.
The Burning Maze (The Trials of Apollo, #3)
Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women & Witchcraft
Other books that I want to read are already released.
4. Name three movies releasing this year that you’re most excited for.
Avengers – Infinity War
Incredibles 2
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation
5. Shout out three bloggers you’ve recently started following.
6. What’s your favourite read of 2018 so far?
Recent read – Matilda.
7. Rewatching movies and TV shows: Yes or no?
I don’t watch TV show but I re-watch movies, specially animated and marvel movies.
8. What’s your spirit animal?
I have to take quiz for this.
According to playbuzz, my spirit animal is The Buffalo (Strong and tenacious, you are never the type to sit around the house. You are always working, or trying to keep busy. It annoys you when you have to keep still for something. Your homes is in the work that you do. That’s where your friends are, that’s where your heart is. You are the stubborn type, and you like it when you get your way.)
Fairly accurate!
According to spiritanimal.info, my spirit animal is The Owl (The owl spirit animal is emblematic of a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. When the spirit of the animal guides you, you can the true reality and see beyond illusion and deceit. The owl also offers for those who have it a personal totem the inspiration and guidance necessary to deeply explore the unknown and the magic of life.)
Not sure about this but I like Owl more than buffalo. I guess if i take different quiz there will be another animal. 😉
9. Name two pointers you have for book bloggers in regards to writing reviews.
1. Detailed review including thoughts. Say whatever you felt, positive negative, be honest about your opinion. 2. write what you love to read. Saying isn’t only for book authors.
10. Introvert | Ambivert | Extrovert: which best describes you?
60% Ambivert, rest depends on whom I’m with.
11. Name one thing you are grateful for.
Life. It’s not so charming lovable without any problems but I’m grateful for it. I like to make my way through life and learning at every step. Not everyone gets such privilege so live and be grateful for that.
I nominate-
All readers of this post. You can pick any of these questions. If you like, you can also answer any of these question in comment-box below.
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Jenna @ Bookmark Your Thoughts
Hello fellow ambivert! I’m glad you seemed to have fun with the answers…congrats on being nominated more than once! It just goes to show how great you are 😉 I love the spirit animals BTW; I was drinking a tea when I read the buffalo one and I definitely spit a little out at first…so embarrassing ha-ha!
Books Teacup and Reviews
I know, right? I was like who gets this kind of animal Spirit! I concluded I don’t like that quiz so took another one. 😉
Jenna @ Bookmark Your Thoughts
I know!! I was just gone in laughter ha-ha!!
Books Teacup and Reviews
It’s good it made you smile. That’s what all these awards are about so that we can have fun and have good time. 🙂
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you! 😊
Congratulations ❤
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you! <3
Heather Tasker
Great answers. I can definitely picture you as the fiercely over-protective sister too. (It takes one to know one, I guess!)
Live and let live is a great one too.
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Heather! ❤️