It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (24)
‘It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?’ is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It’s a great post to organise yourself. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.
Hello Book Lovers! I hope you all had a great week. Mine was okay. Last two weeks in reading has been little slow but I’m feeling better day by day.
What I read and review last week∼
Deadly Spirits (Mac McClellan Mystery #4) by E. Michael Helms
Saturday Short-Story Review: The Boy by Nrupal Das
#BookReview: Mask Beneath Her Face by Rafael Chandler @shanannigans81
Currently Reading∼
Bacon Pie by Candace Robinson , Gerardo Delgadillo
Lia Abbie has the easy life—kicking it back with old school video games, hanging out with her best friend Barnabas, and alternating her living schedule between the apartments of her two dads and her mom.
Kiev Jimenez is a theater geek who loves him some Shakespeare and taking care of his pet armadillo. He has one set goal in life: obtaining the role of Horatio for the Hamlet school play.
When a showdown between Lia and Kiev lands them in the principal’s office, they’re forced into volunteer work at the cringe-worthy Piggy Palooza Festival, or risk being suspended. Lia and Kiev aren’t thrilled about the situation, especially when it interferes with Lia’s relaxed life and Kiev’s theater role. But by working together, they may find more than just bacon—possibly a little love in the air.
I finished 30% of this book and so far it’s so interesting and refreshing. it’s releasing on 13th of this month but I’ll finish it before that.
next this week∼
The Weight of Shadows (Shadow Series #1) by Karl Holton
When you have spent your life in the shadows, what would you do at the dying of the light?
Three years ago the best murder detective in London is blamed for the death of his colleague and kicked out of the Met.
A man with secrets buried in the past and present returns to London, the city that started the mysterious career which made him a billionaire.
The two need each other.
But they have no idea how much.A gripping crime thriller mystery with twists from the beginning to end.
This I was supposed to read last year in November but somehow I lost track of email and it just slipped out of my sight. This is first time I made such mistake, I made a commitment and I couldn’t fulfill it. I remember lot of things were going on during that time. I lost baby it was missed abortion and then next month I lost my grandma… well it was bad time. (I never said this here on my blog. When it comes to my life I keep it little private) Anyway now that I got reminder I will finish it as early as I can.
What are you reading this week? How was your last week? Have you read any of these books before or planning to read in future? What do you think about them?? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.
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