Saturday Sort-Story Review

Saturday Short-Story Review: Cap Series 1&2: A Birdy Adventure & Oodhi Baba by Hemdiva Dev

Hey Book Lovers! I hope you all are having great weekend. Today’s short-story review is Cap Series 1&2: A Birdy Adventure & Oodhi Baba by Hemdiva Dev.

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Published: October 29th 2017

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Genre: Children’s Fiction

Read Date: February 24th 2018

Pages: 128

CAP 1: A Birdy Adventure

Stars: 3.5/5

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38490927It’s a story of two girls who are just 7-years-old who forgets to finish their assignment that they are supposed to submit next day. To avoid scolding from teachers and parents, they venture out in night plans to purchase some stationery and thought they will finish it before school next day. Unfortunately their nightly shopping turn to horrible adventure. They encounters mysterious figure in the forest and now they are in lot of danger. How they reach in forest and who is that mysterious figure? Will they able to return home safely?


Chinky was brave girl who had solution to most of the problem. She was smart and I likes that she could remember her mother’s advice at the time of need. While Pinky was timid girl. Their mother were exactly of same nature.

I liked the story line and concept. Chapters ended with suspense. Twist were good and unpredictable. What happened to Chinky and Pinky in forest was horrible, it can have thrilling effect for children.

Story had few messages for children like, not to go out in night without parents, not to take anything from stranger and not to even trust them, you can eat ice-cream later once you’re done with the work at hand. 😉

This was very short story, I finished it in an hour or less. Children can go through the book very fast. Writing was smooth and they won’t have any difficulties with the language as well. It was fun and refreshing for children below age 9.

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I don’t know if I read finished version or not but if it was finished it needed some polishing, there were few grammatical error and as this is first in series I wanted some more description about girls and other characters like their nature and look. What said above about characters was what I guessed from story, but it would be better for children if it was described. Otherwise story was good.

Cap 2: Oodhi Baba

Stars: 4/5

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38491074After school, Chinky and Pinky are waiting for their moms to pick them up. While they are waiting, a scary dog comes from nowhere and scare them out of their wits. In fright they leave the school gate and run away from the dog blindly. When they stop, they don’t know where they are and how to find way back. They see two boys of their school in alley heading towards a shop. They have to do something to find their way back, so they follow the boys. At the shop they suddenly meet Oodhi-the kite. And here starts their weird adventure and also drag their poor mother into it. Who is this Kite man? Will they able to find their way back to home?


I read and reviewed this story before but as I received the combined e-copy and I wanted to see if there was any addition or deletion, I reread it. The story was the same as I remembered except there were pictures added to the story which were simple and good-.

I liked innocence of two girls. Chinky little brave and Pinky the sweet one, they were so lovely. Caring nature of their mother and extent to which mothers go to save their children was amazing. Characters and their bond with each other was nicely represented. Story line is simple and easy for children to understand.

I liked alternating chapters from mothers’ and girls’ point of view. Moral of the story about friendship, courage, and not to trust any stranger was nicely depicted by author. Parents will enjoy reading the book with their children and can read as bedtime story too.

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It had the same errors that I found in the previous edition. Like the first book this one too need little polishing. But this one was better than first book.


Overall both the stories were thrilling book, had a horror element and morals to learn that every child would love to read. Little editing will make both the stories better.


Author: Hemdiva Dev

Buy Here:

*** Note: I received an e-copy from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author for giving me a chance to read this book. ***

What do you think about the book and my review? Have you read this book already? Have you read something similar to this book? Share your thoughts in comment-box below.

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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