
Stepping Out of Time by Renée Paule

Stepping out of time.jpg

Published: April 21st 2017 by RPG Publishing

Read Date: February 16th 2018

Genre: Non-Fiction / Self-help

Pages: 174

Stars: 5/5

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If you’re following my reviews regularly, you might have read the previous books by Renée Paule I have read. On the Other Hand: The Little Anthology of Big Questions , Just Around The Bend: Más o Menos , and Louder Than a Whisper: Clearer Than a Bell. All this three books were about step by step journey to self-discovery by unlearning older beliefs, keep looking forward,  keep walking on the path of self-discovery and more importantly ,which was the last step, was discovering the meaning of our existence, what we are doing wrong and who we really are, bring change in our-self to change the world for better of humanity.

In this book, author is telling the same thing through her experiences and observations in life. The theme is the same but author has uncovered more layers with new topics and example by simple approach and sole purpose of encouraging readers to embark the journey of self-discovery, change the thinking, broaden the perspective, and make peace with past that is holding us back for better world and more importantly for our own good.

It was very clearly and repeatedly said in the book that ONE can make a change the world, may be not immediately or entirely but eventually. If we think over the problems we have that is invoking all the negative emotions (anger, frustration, jealousy, sadness, depression), it can be turned to positive emotions (love, happiness, kindness, gratitude) by self-reflection. If we look at ourselves in the mirror, observe our mind, face our real face by unmasking the deceiving self,by being real and turning to our innocent self that we were born with, get rid of ‘I’, ‘Me’ and ‘Myself’ and then look at everything at ourselves, the change seems possible. Everything has a choice and so we, whether we want to change or not. I guess I almost summarized the book.

Book was pretty short, I started it yesterday and finished today by noon. After finishing book I was thinking how to put my thoughts together. Also thinking what I was doing wrong that author has mentioned in book and so I was going through all the mess in my head I realized it’s so hard to organize it. But let’s get back to book, I’m sure you guys don’t want to see that ugly mess of my mind.

“Tears that fall on barren land produce nothing- they’re cried in vain.”

Topics that I loved to read in the book were-

Know Thyself which looked so simple and obvious by title but the content of this was so amazing specially the sub topic ‘adult’.

Memory and thoughts– I liked the examples and the different ways author approached to go deeper in it and finalizing it by how conditioned and reserved our thoughts are and so the memory and so the experiences by it. How world see through those conditioned thoughts acceptable by society and the reason why we can’t see change or can’t do anything to bring change.

“New thoughts, that contradict the old, are unacceptable to the majority of us; we go to great length to upgrade everything in this world, except our minds- we resist this adaptation.”

Relationship– I loved author’s thought on how we treat outsider, how differently we react to unknown person based on the place and situation, how we start categorizing a new person on first meeting and ah my favorite a complex relationship with family and relatives. Another reason I loved this topic was, one of the reason of mess in my mind is related to relatives. I liked what was said in this chapter and it made me at least try to change my thought towards it.

Stepping out of time- title chapter was so beautiful. I loved the explanation of this topic by dream and physical and metaphysical experience. It was much more deep than I thought.

Other topics and examples that I also liked was gaming, gratitude, feeling, and plan A and B. I loved illustrations and poems were wow. It was very uplifting and inspiring. Like explained in the book energy of all self-help book is temporary, but I assure you energy of all books by Renée Paule will never leave you, they have permanent effect.

Overall, the book was so motivational and inspirational that it will make every single person to think over their life and help to change the way of thinking. It was more of philosophy than self-help that encourages to help yourself by changing perspective and observing yourself.


Author and Illustrator: Renée Paule

To know more about author click HERE.

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*** Note: I received book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author for such wonderful book. ***

What do you think about the book and my review? Have you read this book already or any book by this author before? Have you read something similar to this book? Share your thoughts in comment-box below.

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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