Author Interview: Cristina Hodgson- Author of A Little of Chantelle Rose
Hello Everyone! I happy to got opportunity to interview with Cristina Hodgson, Author of A Little of Chantelle Rose, and even more happy to share it with you today.
At the age of twenty-four, Chantelle Rose has all a city girl can expect: a tiny bed-sit in South London, a lousy poorly-paid job, a tyrannical boss, and quite a few exes added to an ever-growing list.
Desperate for change, she becomes an extra in a seedy crime film. When that leads to the opportunity of a lifetime – a role to play with a million dollars to win and seemingly nothing to lose – she accepts without thinking twice. After all, what could possibly go wrong? In any event, she´ll earn enough to buy her dream home, set up her own business and never worry about money again.
And what about love? Two men have won her heart: Robbie – sultry, silent, mysterious; and Lionel – Hollywood heart-throb, charm, wealth, adventure.
But who can she trust? Who is bent on scaring her away, and why?
There seems to be more at stake than just her heart. Will a million dollars be worth it?
Read my review on this book here ⇒⇒ A Little of Chantelle Rose by Cristina Hodgson.
Just a little bit about me, without boring you all! I was born and brought up in Wimbledon, London. Though I currently live in Southern Spain. I had a long career in sport, reaching national and international level and still actively participate in Triathlon races and enjoy outdoor activities. I’m a mum to two cheeky monkeys, who brighten up my day, every day! They are also the proud creators of a few silver streaks in my hair! A LITTLE OF CHANTELLE ROSE is my debut novel, amazingly, despite graduating from Loughborough University with a degree in sports science, the novel has nothing to do with running!
Q. This is your debut novel. How does it feel?
I’m obviously thrilled, but also very nervous. This is like the birth of my third child. Chantelle Rose isn’t about me or my life but it’s a part of me. And this part of me is now out there for all to read and criticise, and that alone is nerve-wracking. I’m aware that everyone has different literary tastes, I just hope that people who do read Chantelle Rose, or any novel, understand that behind the words sits an author who’s shed more than one tear to finish the text and sweated more than most marathon runners do. The finish line in this case is when you type “The End.”
Q. When and why did you begin writing?
I’ve always kept a diary, but I’m not sure that counts. I’ve always loved reading, from a very early age and I think, at least in my case, from the reader the writer was born.
Q. Would you like to tell reader little about your book?
It tells an urban fairy tale. It’s about a young London girl who through a series of hilarious, if bizarre, circumstances is propelled to Hollywood glamour, lovers, confusion, menace and a truly startling conclusion. Its twists and turns will grip the reader – and make them laugh, too! At least that’s what I hope!! 😉
Q. How did you come up with the idea for your book?
After graduating from Loughborough University with a degree in PE and Sports Science, I travelled and worked in various jobs. One of these was as an extra in a British-produced gangster film which was filmed in Nerja, Spain. It goes without saying that my sport mechanics and kinetic energy knowledge weren’t put to maximum potential in this part-time job. But it was certainly a fun and unique experience, and most importantly it gave me an idea.
A year later I sat down and started writing, and within three months Chantelle Rose was born.
Q. What sort of research did you do to write this book?
I didn’t actually do any research for this book, it’s not a very complex story, though there is a lot of imagination in the plot, which all just came out of my head.
Q. What draws you to this particular genre? Do you think your writing will stay in the same genre?
They say “There’s nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at the typewriter and bleed.” This is so true. I find myself crying my eyes out when writing sad scenes. I don’t think I could handle writing a whole novel sobbing away, which is why I opt to write, at least for the time being, comedy. I’m not going to contemplate writing thrillers right now either, I have no need to freak myself out on a daily basis. And forget hauntings!
Q.What types of books do you enjoy in your downtime? And what inspires you to write?
I actually enjoy reading autobiographies about famous people. I’m always fascinated by other people’s lives. I think learning about other people, inspires me with my own writing.
Q. How many revisions did you go through before book is published? Do you have beta readers or is it just your editing team and their suggestions?
I think I went over the whole rough manuscript four times. For this debut novel I didn’t have any beta readers, something I’ll probably consider with book II. I did however work with a wonderful editing team and I believe I’ve learnt a lot and also improved my writing skills thanks to working with such a great team.
Q. What was your favorite chapter (or part) of writing this book and why?
There are a couple of chapters I really had fun with. Especially one where the protagonist sits down with her “rival” and the conversation they have together can still make me laugh out loud.
Q. What was the hardest part of writing the book? Was there anything that you deleted or altered?
The ending. It’s the original ending, in fact I didn’t have to alter any of the plot, however if my editor had strongly suggested changing the ending I would have probably considered it. I’m glad it wasn’t the case though.
Q. What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
Just to have some fun reading it. There is no hidden message, it’s just a book to relax with and hopefully make the reader laugh and escape from the daily routine a bit.
Q. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?
That I could actually sit down and do it. I’ve never considered myself an author. I’d dreamt about it, but never thought it was possible. But I did it. So believe me, if I can do it, anyone can. Believe in yourself and magical things can happen.
Q. If you could spend one day with character from your book/ any other book who would it be? And what would you do during that day?
Lionel King. I would love to be wined and dined, for just one evening, by a huge Hollywood star, who would make me feel like Cinderella at the ball. But when the clock strikes midnight, I’d be more than ready to return to my normal life.
Q. Do you read book reviews? How do you deal with good or bad ones?
Yes I do. I appreciate everyone has different literary tastes and that not everyone is going to like my writing style or my story. Though I have to admit a good review gives me a huge boost. It’s lovely reading how someone has enjoyed my story and has found it funny, which is what I have intended by writing a romantic comedy.
Q. What are your future project(s)? What’s it about? (*if relevant)
My current WIP is a bit of a secret a moment. If you read my debut novel you’ll understand why.
Q. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
Never give up, which can be applied to life in general. If you have a dream, go and make it a reality. You’ll have to work hard, because if writing was easy, everyone would be a published author. But the satisfaction of seeing your work in print compensates by far all the time and effort you’ve channelled into your project, whatever it may be.
Q. What is your favorite motivational phrase?
Dream it, wish it, do it…
Q. Currently reading
I’m currently reading a book from a fellow Crooked Cat author called “Assassin by Day” by Tessa Robertson. Quite a dramatic thriller with a touch of erotica.
Q. Favorite book / foods / Colors/ Music/ TV show/ Film
Favorite book, I can’t really nail it to just one, but I do enjoy most romantic comedy stories.
Foods: Anything spicy.
Colours: Red
Music: Pop
TV show: With two young kids, I don’t get to see much but Peppa Pig.
Film: Dirty Dancing.
Q. Describe yourself in 5 words.
Responsible, determined, fun, positive and sporty.
How can readers discover more about you and you work?
Buy link: myBook.to/chantellerose
Website: Website
Twitter: @HodgsonCristina
Facebook: Facebook profile
email: hello@cristinahodgson.com
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Thanks to author for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview.
Happy Reading! 🙂
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