Book Tag/Award

Blogger Recognition Award

Hello Everyone! Finally I counted how many tags and awards I need to do and I guess its 12 or something, as far as I didn’t miss any from my notifications. I know it’s not big in number but I better finish with them and as I’m not ready with review today so I decided to do this award.
I was nominated for Blogger Recognition Award by Jenna @ Bookmark Your Thoughts . Have you guys checked out Jenna’s blog? It’s simple with beautiful graphics and I like to read reviews and bookish post. Check out her answers for this award here.
Big thank you to Jenna for nominating me this award.

The Rule-

    Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
    Give a brief story of how you started your blog.
    Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
    Select 10 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
   Comment (or ping) on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

Story of how I started blog-

As most of you all might know I got the inspiration from Goodreads and friends I follow there in writing review that I mentioned in this Liebster Award!!. I was not keen on writing reviews before, I just enjoyed reading books. And honestly I was not sure I could write even few sentences. (I’m still terrible writer, I do spelling mistakes and eat words, and I totally lack creativity. That’s whole other reason why I respect writers.)
So, when I joined a group hosting challenges on Goodreads, it made me write reviews for books I read. Then on, I wrote for around 6 months.  I learned lot from Goodreads readers during that time. I saw my writing improving little, being liked by other readers, and I checked they had blogs too. It was good and then the bulb of my mind glowed and said I should start a blog.
When I told my husband that I wanted to start blog he was surprised shocked. For him, and even for me, till this thought, reading was just hobby,,, for fun. So he said, “do it if you like but don’t look at me like I can help you, I don’t know anything regarding this”. Ah, even I didn’t have any idea!!! So, I did all sort of research asked friends on Goodreads whether I should go for WordPress or Blogger and then all those tedious work of going through beginner’s guide and here I’m…
Though it took almost 15 days in publishing first post on April 14th 2017.
Review was ready but I couldn’t decide proper theme theme that I wanted for my blog, (I didn’t like theme I chose at that time but anyways) that plus I was looking for graphics I needed for header, I read somewhere that it causes copyright issues you can’t just take it from google. Hell! Searches for that and I found Canva finally! It was difficult and I was struggling with this new blog and I almost gave up at one point. But I did it anyway. Now it’s easy, fun, and I’m taking it seriously now, writing reviews and all. I’m enjoying it.
Without friends on Goodreads, I could not have done this. Many thanks to all of them who helped me or inspired me knowingly and unknowingly. <3
That was too long…!! Next is…

Two pieces of Advice!!

For a newbie (Do I come under ‘newbie’ tag too??? I guess! ok, for even younger bloggers than me)-

  1. Don’t hesitate to ask for help to anyone in this reading-blogging community. People are good here. Talk to everyone . Start communicating. I’m not much good in that! But at least start with ‘Nice review’ or ‘Great post’, you will know what to say eventually. Well that’s is how I started, and still do the same but it’s better than nothing. Right?
  2. Sharing is caring. It will help you grow your blog and you will form that unseen unspoken bond with bloggers and even authors. So read and share post of bloggers you follow.

10 blogger I nominate-
Jill Jemmett-
Diversifying perspective –
Early Bookish Birds –
Des’ Random Thoughts –
Books and Readers-
Snazzy Books –
And, whoever come across this post and would like to do this award consider yourself nominated. Just tag me so that I can read story about your blog too. 🙂

Happy reading! 🙂
BTR F_edited
BTR signed F_edited

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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