Mystery,  Review

Goan Chase: Take Three Mysteries by Richa Sambhy Mediratta

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Published: October 5th 2016 by Notion Press, Inc.

Read Date: July 27th 2017

Stars: 4.5/5

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It is story of three best friends solving mystery.

Blurb (in my words)-

Three friends, Jai, Ayesha and Nirvaan, are spending their summer vacation in Goa, in Jai’s aunt’s 100 year old villa at private beach. During party at villa unexpected, fatal event occurs and that follows another event and puts everyone’s life in danger. And then they discover about the old curse on Jai’s family.
Is there really a curse or someone is making it up? Who the real demon? The trio is ready to fight against anything to save and support their family.
Will they able to solve this mystery?

My view:

I liked the title of the series ‘Take three mysteries’ and goes well with the book.
Three mystery solver of the book.
Three incidents or a hint to solve in the book.
The story is written in third person narration, set in Goa, India.
Characters– Jai, Stuttering 14 yr old boy is struggling with his speech problem but is quite a mind-blowing observer. Ayesha is confident and logical person in 3 friends. Nirvaan- tech and photographic expert is good in almost everything. All 3 protagonist are fighting for their weakness, fighting internally. Their support to each other in the book was nicely written and I loved their friendship. Adults in the book were superstitious and they made the book very dramatic.

My favorite line from the book:

Today, he felt like talking. He felt like seizing the moment, and he would.

What I liked? Many mystery readers are interested in only who or why or how. I fall in ‘How’. Even though I know who is the culprit and why the culprit did all this the how culprit did all that and how mystery was solved always draws me more into it and I end up enjoying it.
So it happened with this book. I knew the motive from the first five chapters, of I haven’t guessed the main and final motive of culprit. And almost at 50% of the book when culprit gave the first hint I was half sure that person is culprit but still didn’t excluded the other suspect. I thought the other suspect might be a helper but author surprised me there. And I was impressed by the final twist in last few chapters. Author kept me running round and round till the end because no other clue was given till the climax. And I love this book for that. I was surprised police reached on time. Lol! That never happens most of the time. In short I liked how story progressed and how mystery was unraveled in the book.

I loved the villa on the beach, the family history, and curse. It all added spooky feeling to the story and made it more interesting which I liked. Check out a trailer HERE, it’s really amazing.  
The internal battles of our three mystery solvers, Jai, Ayesha and Nirvaan was very nicely written and it also gave a message that we all are abnormal in one way or other way, there is no one like a perfect person, if call it a normal then we all are abnormal. The zeal and excitement these youth gave in the book in solving mystery was remarkable.
Everything sounded well thought and author gave it a realistic touch. The kind of story that you might have heard bits of it in the newspaper. It was not new or unique story but definitely interesting one.
Why 4.5? There were very less suspects so it was easier to solve the mystery plus as I said culprit himself/herself gave the hint with label “I’m culprit” at one point.
More importantly I want to read more, more from the author with more suspects and longer story. 😉
Overall, it’s short, gripping, fast paced book. I was flying through pages and never stopped to write notes, I finished it in one sitting in less than a day. So… Thumbs up!
Who should read it? YA, Beach Mystery lovers would like to read this book.


Know more about author HERE.

Publishers: Notion Press, Inc.

Buy Here:
*** I won this book in Goodreads Giveaway. Many thanks to author and publisher. ***

What do you think about the book and my review? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.
Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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