Book Tag/Award

Suntag: The Cookie Book Tag!

Suntag_ The Cookie Book Tag!
Hello Everyone! Today I’m doing Suntag: The Cookie Book Tag. I was tagged to this by Meggy. She writes great reviews, I always love to read them. Visit her blog Chocolate’n’Waffle. You can read her answers to this tag HERE.
Thank you Meggy for nominating me. 🙂


  1. In addition to linking back to the person who tagged you, it would be awesome if you link back to Nicole’s original post!
  2. Pick a book that corresponds to the cookie’s ‘theme’.
  3. Have fun!
  4. Tag one to three people.

Chocolate Chip:
A classic book that you love or really enjoyed

LOTR and The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

Thin Mints:
A fandom that you really want to ‘join’ and/or a hyped-up book you want to read
(Your source(s) of a book being hyped can be from anywhere.)

Roshni Choksi’s The Star-Touched Queen. I have heard so much about this book and Roshni’s writing that I want to read it ASAP.

An author you can’t get enough of

Rick Riorden – He made me fall in love with mythology genre. So I’m not ever going to get enough of his books. I loved Percy Jackson series. Cassandra Clare – She made me fall in love with urban fantasy. India R. Adams- She writes any genre emotionally.

Samoas/Caramel DeLites:
An emotional rollercoaster

The Rain by India R. Adams

A book whose cover was better than the story, or vice versa, where the story was better than the cover

Okay that’s difficult. Story was better than the cover – Men and Dreams in Dhaulandhar. Cover better than story- Blemishing the Odds.

Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties:
A book that wasn’t what you expected
(Good, bad, or just different, interpret how you wish.)

The highway man – a collection of short story, it was different than what I got from the blurb.
Running Beyond Empty– better than I expected.
Carla and Kiss of Fire were okay than I expected.
I haven’t read a book that was too bad.

A book you may never stop re-reading/loving

Harry Porter. 😀

I tag:  (if you don’t do book tags please ignore it.)
Rachel @paceamorelibri
Harini @booksandreaders9
Priyasha @BOOKS AND CO.
@Book Princess Reviews
Anyone who come across this post and haven’t done this tag already, consider yourself tagged.
Happy Reading! 🙂



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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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