Children,  YA

Piglettes by Clémentine Beauvais

piglette f

Expected publication: August 8th 2017 by Pushkin Children’s Books

Read date: May 12th 2017

Stars: 4/5

4 star_crop

Funny+ Witty+ trip+ moral behind story= I love it.

My favorite line from the book:


Meet 3 Piglettes of the book- Mireille (15 and half), Astrid (16) and Hakima (9). These Piglettes are the winner of ‘Pig Pageant’ contest i.e. awarded ugliest girls of the school. After contest they meet each other, they feel real bad for receiving such treatment. But they decide to do something rather than just sobbing. They plan cycle trip to Paris, to gatecrash a garden party at Elysées. Each has different reasons in doing so. They involve media for their Paris trip too.

Will they able to reach their destination on time? What difficulties will come in a way? How events will turn out? Will they achieve for what they have started the trip?

My view:


Piglettes is funny, coming of age YA book, set in France, about today’s world where girls(or any person) are judged by their face, size and shape, It’s about 3 ugly girls facing bullies at school because of their looks, their growing friendship, and travel of course.

My favorite line from the book:

They were voted the ugly duckling of their high school – now they’re flying like swan to Paris.

Characters- I loved characters of this book especially Mireille. She was all charm of the book. She was confident and smart-mouth girl at some place she was rude but most of the time ‘queen of sarcasm’. I loved the way she fought bullies with her witty sense. Astrid was smart and soft at heart. Ohh, and Hakima, youngest of trio, was so lovely and innocent. You reading this line below. That’s Mireille. 🙂

..You are impressively mature for your age, how come? I don’t know, maybe ugliness make you wise.

What I liked? Book was divided in 3 parts, the town, their road trip and the climax. The middle part of the book was best where our characters develops amazingly. I liked the concept of the book. It’s difficult to change the perception of the world. I can so relate myself with Mireille. Not fat or ugly but I’m skinny. And still people have problem with that too. The idea of the trip was simple and yet brilliant and how this epic trip changed the view of the world. I liked tone of the book, I was laughing right from the very beginning.

Another nice thing was the influence of social media portrayed in the book and how it can affect someone’s life; and how 3 Piglettes used the same media turning insults to praises. The conversation between characters and Mireille’s internal monologue was hilarious. I also like the pseudonyms used for name of character and place to give it lighter touch. Oh and wait till you read letters and comments and tweets by Mireille on social medias. It amazed me and I was thinking from where this young lady got her wits. This book was unique experience, a great way to display serious topic in comical manner and yet giving the lesson that required to reach audience. At the end I wished we all have the strength these girls had to face the world.

Why 4? The only thing that kept me from giving full star was in the end Mireille didn’t do what she decided. I mean she realized few things but still.

Overall, this book was very epic and meaningful. It was intriguing, light and easy read.

Alert: There was so much food talk in the book. Don’t read it on empty stomach.

Who should read it? Teens would love it.


Author: Clémentine Beauvais

Know more about author HERE.

Publisher: Pushkin Children’s Books


*** Note: I received a copy of this book via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Pubishers and author. ***

What do you think about the book and my view? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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