
Hearts Are Like Balloons by Candace Robinson

Hearts Are Like Balloons

To be published: June 30th 2017 by CreateSpace

Read Date: June 22nd 2017

Stars: 5/5

5 star_crop

Hearts Are Like Balloons is sweet and heart-warming contemporary romance novel.

Blurb (in my words):

May is having hard time after her father’s death. To support her mother financially and to herself emotionally, she applies for a job at book store where her best friend- Jessie is working. At job she meets Nico who eventually becomes more than co-worker. Her life is back to track, she is happy, life is perfect… But fates has other plans for her, and reminds her that nothing stays perfect. Will May’s deflated heart inflate again?

“Hearts are like balloons. Sometimes they inflate… Sometimes they deflate…”

My View:

That last line of blurb perfectly goes with the story. This book is  about May’s feelings, love, relationship, and ups and downs in her life.

My favorite lines:

My heart is a harness of nothing, deflated balloon, and a place of loss.

Characters– I loved Violet. Now-a-days, I like side characters more than the main characters. Am I only one like that?! It’s not that main characters were unlikable but smartness and easy going nature of Violet just brightened this book more. I was giggling at first description of her in the book. I loved her even more at the scene when May and Nico were at Nico’s place to meet his parents.

Both main characters Nico and May were little naive. Few times I felt them too innocent to be considered stupid and sometimes few of the things about them just touched my heart. So, overall I liked them.

What I liked?Hearts Are Like Balloons’ is very sweet and smooth. My love for contemporary romance is increasing these days. They feel so emotional with all sort of feeling and yet relaxing, refreshing, and realistic at the end. And so was this book. My heart inflated and deflated along with story and character. May’s feeling, grief and coming out of the loss was nicely described which was a heart of the book. Her passion for art was touching I loved it how she described it. It was little related to my passion for reading. Mother- daughter relationship was so adorable in this book. I could picture my mother at some points. Graveyard scene in the book was the best, I liked her idea of cleaning and painting the headstone. Clean romance, not too much details, it was cute in fact.

There comes a time in the life when loss leave a hole in the heart and drown you in depression. You need that one person who grab you out of that condition and make your life breathable again. That is what happen to character here and it felt so relatable. I love this book for giving that connection. Yeeyyy! and this time Candace wrote past events in Italics. <3

End- It was perfect. I felt so younger after reading this book. That I am! I mean back to that feeling of 18 😉 It left a big smile on my face.

This book was fast paced and a real change for me that I required from my usual read- YA, Fantasy-fictions.

Who should read it? I recommend to all who loves contemporary books.


Author: Candace Robinson

To know more about her click HERE.

*** Note: I received a review copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author. I’m glad I got a chance to read this book.  ***

What do you think about the book and my review? Share your thought in comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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