Review,  YA

My Wolf and Me by India R. Adams

My wolf and me

Published: April 26th 2016 by India’s Productions

Read Date: June 2nd 2017

Stars: 4.5/5crop 4 and half_edited

My Wolf and Me — Child + pup →→ Teen + wolf →→ woman + Alpha ⇔ Love Forever. Got what I’m saying? No? Well, read blurb, my view, get book get idea. Here is the blurb and my view to help a little.

Blurb (in my words):

Marlena, a little girl living in fantasy of her own has to take care of little wolf pup and bound to keep his secret, whom she names Romy. Her parents, seeing the strong bond between Marlena and wolf, accept and love him like their own. As they grow, Marlena’s fantasy and reality collides, she witnesses her wolf turn to man- named Sebastian. Realization hits to protect her wolf even strongly, when she fall in love with Sebastian.

What happens with this young couple? Can Marlena keep the secret of Romy/ Sebastian from the world? What happen when they will meet a vengeful hunter?

My view:

My favorite lines from the book:

Life sometimes has its own plans, and mine were in shape of a wolf.

Characters- They were all so good. But obvious, not antagonist. I love Marlena’s parents. They were such nice couple allowing their kid to keep a wild animal at home and understanding the love of Romy and Marlena. It was really amazing. I thought Jimmy and Trever will be troublemaker but they were really good. I like them in this book. Main characters Romy/Sebastian- protective wolf and Marlena was also good.

What I liked? Pheeww, whenever I start writing this section after reading India’s book, I have to think what point I will include. Because whole book is so nice I have to stop myself from writing everything here and from becoming a spoiler.

The book has 3 main phases of Marlena’s life and it revolves around it- her childhood, a teen, and as a wolf lover- was really nice. Childhood of Marlena- funny, lovely, adorable, I loved this part most. Changes that came in her life after joining a school and later when Romy became Sebastian. These transitions in Marlena’s life were really smooth and well narrated. Even love between them was in phases from innocent to fierce. Teaching the wolf about life and sex was funny. Friendship, family, love, protectiveness, heart-wrenching suffering and loss. All emotions felt so real in this book.

Climax was- well, as its definition states the most intense and exciting. This is my fourth book of India and I think, India is master in writing this section of the book. In short, it was India style.

The twist and turn from this point onward was really great. I was so engrossed in the book that didn’t want to put it down. Both fantasy and real world was nicely woven in this book and that makes this wolf book different from other similar kind.

I so believe we can love nature without any fear in heart. Even wild animals has heart and humans can be wilder than them. It’s well described throughout this book.

The end was sad and yet sweet and lovely.

Why 4.5? Only thing was, Marlena. Not listening advice of her friends and then regretting! She was too naive for my liking.

Alert!! This book is not for faint-hearted. Harden your heart if maltreatment to animals upsets you. Yeah, it made me upset that I want throw my tab… then I gave it second thought (I need to finish this book. How will I read other books if threw it!!! No! Terrific!) So my tab is in good condition.

Overall, it’s lovely, amazing, funny yet emotional book.

Who should read it? Paranormal romance lovers would love to read this book.


Author: India R. Adams

To more about her click HERE.


*** Note: I received review copy of this book from author, in exchange for an honest review. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

Have you read this book before? What do you think about book and my review? I won’t convert you, I’m human. So, share your thoughts without hesitation in comment-box below.

happy Reading!


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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