Review,  Science-Fiction,  YA

Elena Ransom and the Firebird Unit by J.S. Wood

Elena Ransom

Published: January 10th 2017 by Small Frye Publishing

Read Date: May 20th 2017

Stars: 3.5 Stars

Elena Ransom and the Firebird Unit is a first book of the series.

Blurb (in my words)-

The story is featuring Elena, red haired freckled 13-yr-old girl, unapproachable, different looking from the other genetically engineered kids. Content with life and few friends, Austin-her best friend and Pigg. As per the law, all kids have to attend Grimsby boarding school at age 13, for which she was less enthusiastic than Austin and Pigg.

Against her wish she has to attend Grimsby. On arriving at Grimsby, she has to face many challenges. – Make new friends, survive loads of studies and there are many mysteries of school, of her parents, and the world they are living in.

Will she able to make new friends? Will she ever going to like Grimsby? What are these secrets?

My view:

This book is set in world where humanoids, androids, and advanced technology are part of human life. It was fascinating to read all that. It is mostly about the school life, Studies and tests, and Elena’s friends and their adventure.

My favorite lines from the book:

“Being unlike the other children is what makes you extraordinary.”

Meet main characters of Firebird Unit –

Elena- smart and quick-tempered; Austin- leader, Pigg- brainy but faint-hearted; Fergie- Brainiac; Declan- good- hearted and all girl’s dream; Abria- chatterbox; and Kidd- ‘bad omelette’ of the firebird unit. They were amazing in this book. I loved this group and enjoyed reading about them and their life at Grimsby.

Things I liked– History. Oh! God, I felt like I was with them in the school and was learning with them. I was surprised they haven’t died of learning that much of history in one year. But I liked it. It was great to know all about Sumerians, Akkadians, and Mohenjo-Daro. Another good point- after reading prologue and first few chapters, I started doing all guesswork. And I terribly failed in it. Nothing turned out as I expected. I loved reading all politics in this book and about Grimsby. Major Marshall’s class was thrilling to read in this book. I enjoyed it most.

Books was steady paced. There are lot of mysteries. And this book is just starting point of all the mysteries. It will tell what’s it about, for the rest, wait for the next book.

Why 3.5? I expected lot of adventure from the cover of the book and blurb. There is, but not as much as I expected. I think I have to wait for the next book of the series as it looks like my expectations will be fulfilled in them. So, I’m saving other 1.5 stars for that.

Overall, it’s a good read. I liked it.

Who should read it? It’s definitely for YA lovers.

Next book of the series “Elena Ransom and the Catalan Atlas,” is going to be released in November. So, hurry and read this first book before that.

Read interview with authorhere

*** Note: I received a review copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to author. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

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Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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