Fiction,  Review

Colorful Notions (The Roadtrippers 1.0) by Mohit Goyal


Published: 17th Nov 2016 by Srishti Publishers & Distributors

My Rating: 4/5 stars


I read this book few months ago. I thought as this is my first blog post, I should re-read the book. But when I started writing the review, I realized I don’t have to. The story is still fresh in my mind. I think that’s the sign of good book.

3 friends, 3 Months, 25 places across India, 10 thousand kilometers road trip! What do think about this adventurous journey? Amazing? Impossible? Crazy? Well, you can know only by reading the book.

Colorful Notions first book of the Roadtrippers series set in India, narrated by protagonist Ab. The story in Featuring 3 youngster- Abhay aka Ab, Sashank aka Shasha, and Unnati.

Ab- Rich, independent, planner of the trip, who wants have road tripping experience and film travel documentary with his BFF Shasha.

Shasha- Connoisseur of food, who is on this trip because of food.

Unnati- RJ, girlfriend of Shasha, who is on trip because she is the voice of Ab’s documentary film and wants to spend time with Shasha.

Journey starts from Delhi with their well-prepared itinerary and lots of adventures on the way – Safari in Corbett, dip in river Ganges, extreme temperature of Ladakh, fearful nights at Bhangarh Fort, heritage and beauty of Rajasthan, beach parties in Goa, and lot more. The story is about, how their journey is going to be, how it will affect their relations with each other, and what happens at the end of the journey.

I started liking this book right from the beginning. Intriguing characters, full of drama and action with unexpected turn of events. Dialogues were entertaining. I liked witty remarks of Ab, it was fun to read.

Not only the road and their trip was with ups and downs but also the life of characters. All characters were struggling in their life in their own ways at the start of the journey. During the journey they learn more about life, friendship, family, and love. I loved how characters developed throughout the book specially Ab. All emotions poured in words in this book felt real.

End of the book was nice. This book is easy read very smooth till the end.

Who should read it? Those who love road trips with little filmy drama.


*** Note: I won this book in Goodreads Giveaways, thanks to author and publisher. ***

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Happy reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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