Eventful August in life, blog, and books (2023)
Hello readers! I hope you all are well. August has been a busy and eventful month. Lots of things happened, few good but many bad, and because of that I couldn’t read much nor could be consistent with blog and blog hopping. Here is how my August in life, blog, and books was this year –

August in life-
I don’t where to start with this!
Furniture work is done in our flat. Colour is started. We selected upholstery for the sofa and chairs and also curtains that are with the tailor. Bathroom fittings are done. My kid’s room’s decor is painted. We might move into the house by mid-September.
My brother had a baby girl on 29th. But the baby was critical for first 24 hours as she swallowed meconium and because of that, there was oxygen drop and swelling in the lungs. We couldn’t even hold the baby and doctors put her on the ventilator. After a day things improved and docs removed the ventilator but she is still in NICU, needs assisted oxygen, and her lungs will take more than a week to recover. It’s been tense 24 hrs.
And my Kindle stopped working. We don’t have a center here in the city and I don’t know if it can be repaired with loss of data. (The email id i used in kindle is old and that gmail account is deleted! Don’t ask me how I made that mess!) So all old NetGalley books are gone. I haven’t thought about what I will do about it.
As for the reading, I couldn’t read much as last week I didn’t have time and I scheduled the drafts but the books I could read were good.
August in Reading –
Reading Stats –
Books read – 10 (4 children’s books; 2 short middle grade; 4 novels)
Pages read – 1796
Goodreads – 69/60
Books read
(Click on the title to read full review)

The Hound of the Baskervilles is impressive, engaging, atmospheric, and well-written classic horror mystery featuring the best detective duo of literature. It was good to meet my favorite detectives once again. Writing is beautiful, engaging, and atmospheric. The setting of Dartmoor and Watson’s account of it is the best part of the story along with mystery. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Dictionary People is informative, fascinating and well-researched nonfiction about the contributors of OED, Oxford English Dictionary, without whom success of OED would not have been possible. This shows author’s enthusiasm and how much she loved the dictionary and its history and how much she research she did to write the book. However, this often was exhaustive read and dull at some points. So it might not be for everyone. ⭐⭐⭐
My Roommate Is a Vampire is an entertaining, delightful, fluffy cute vampire romcom with many laugh-out-loud and some silly moments. I loved the concept of an eccentric 300 yrs old landlord trying to adapt in the modern world with the help of a human roommate and trying not to involve feeling in it. Both characters are lovely and adorable. Romance is super heartwarming, cute, and a little slow-burn. I had a fun time reading this. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Her Radiant Curse is a captivating, enchanting, action-packed, and bittersweet YA Fantasy with fairytale-style writing and beautiful sibling bond. I loved the concept of two sisters one beautiful and the other cursed with a snake face that gives it element of beauty and beast. Theme and layers were amazing. It was great to know more about Raikama and her life before becoming the queen. This ties with Six Crison Cranes duology very well. ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

Vaccines for Smartypants fun, cute, and beautifully illustrated concept book for primary graders that all kids would love to flip through. I liked how the author explained all scientific terms making it easy for kids to understand what is an antibody, what is immune system, T-cells, and how they fight germs.
Newton’s Laws of Motion for Smartypants is amusing and entertaining concept book with beautiful illustrations and simple language that helps kids know what is Newton’s law and why it is important.
Earthquakes for Smartypants fun, informative, and beautifully illustrated concept book about Earthquakes. The author explained- what is Earthquake, where it happens, and why it happens flawlessly including details of the layers of Earth, forces in the Earth, and other terms related to Earthquakes like fault lines, epicenter, body wave, and surface wave and how the magnitude of the Earthquake is measured- so well.
How to Reach Mars and Other (Im)possible Things is an amazing, informative, and inspiring Women in STEM book for young readers. This is is based on India’s Mars Orbiter Mission (MoM) and its success in 2014. I loved how the author included facts about Mars, the payload and what is it, where it is developed in India, who worked on MoM project, how they made it work on small budget, how they send spacecraft to the launch site… It was all explained through conversations, pictures, and comic art which makes it fun for kids.

The Letter to Lahore is captivating, courageous, and well-written Indian historical fiction unsung tale of heroes of freedom struggle. I loved theme and layers and bond between kids who turned out the real heroes of the story. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Postcard from the Lushai Brigade is touching, emotive, and beautifully written middle-grade historical fiction about sibling bond, the innocence of youth, and the reality of war and its impact on lives. I loved theme and layers, cultural myths and legends and also messages. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Best Book of The Month

As for children’s books, I think all books were amazing.
August in Blog –

It’s been another good month stats-wise. Twisted Love got the majority of views. As I said I couldn’t blog-hop regularly but I made sure to catch up with posts whenever I got time. It will be same in September.
Other posts this month –
Red, White & Royal Blue Book Vs Movie
Plans for September –
We hope the new member of our family gets well soon and arrives home before Sept end.
We will be moving into the new house.
There is an engagement function in the middle of the month.
I have one tour book that I just started but for the rest of the month I’m going to mood-read and not worry about how much I can read with so many things to do this month. I also will not have fixed time of posting.
This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,
How was you August? what are your plans for September?
Have you read any of these books or plan to?

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Hooked By That Book
Oh, no, that’s too bad about your Kindle. I know I would be very upset if I were to lose a bunch of books. I have no advice, but I hope you can find a solution. Hope you have a great week.
Books Teacup and Reviews
Only solution is with I get books or win them in reading challenge groups on Goodreads or hit that “cannot review the book” on Netgalley. In any case, I don’t think my kindle is going to be repaired nor I’m going to buy new one as of now as we have lots of expenses with new house. 😔
Oh damn what a month. I really hope your niece just keeps on getting better and can make it back home soon. Sending you and your family so much strength for this tough time! <3 <3 and damn, that kindle issue sounds so, so bothering. I hope you’ll find a way to recover all of your books!
Sending you so much love and hoping for a lovely September for you! <3
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Marie!. My niece is home and well now but sadly there is no solution for lost kindle book. As for September, it’s already stressful due to other problems life. I already wish this year to be over. Wish you a lovely September! ❤
Eustacia | Eustea Reads
Oh dear, I’m so sorry to hear that your niece has been struggling but I’m glad she is doing better now! I hope she can make a full recovery soon and that your moving in goes smoothly as well!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you! I sure need a big break from everything these days. Hopefully October turns out a little relaxing.
Lashaan Balasingam @ Roars and Echoes
I hope things get better for that newborn baby! It sounds so scary. Take care and may September be calmer for you.
Rosepoint Publishing
Oh, poor baby girl!! I hope she’ll be much better and thriving soon. Finishing up a home and moving plans can be overwhelming. Understandable you aren’t getting too much reading done although it looks like you did very well. Keep up the good work with your stats, Yesha!
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Virginia! Baby is well now and I hope she keeps becoming stronger.
Oh my god Yesha! So sorry to hear about your niece and your Kindle! xx
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you, Kelly! 🧡
My sympathies about losing access and the death of the kindle. I don’t know what I’d do without my oasis 🙁
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thankfully I have ipad and laptop to read from. I wouldn’t like reading from phone. Thank you! She is recovering fast and will be discharged in 2-3 days
I hope your niece gets better soon and is able to go home. Also I’m sorry about your kindle I don’t know what I would do without mine.
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you! I’m reading recent books in ipad but I don’t know what I will about older titles that are already archived. Guess I have to get them some other way.
Do you have the kindle app? You should be able to hit sync and everything should show up.
Books Teacup and Reviews
No it wouldn’t work as that amazon email id is not working anymore. Somehow I still was able to get book on kindle.
Hmm that’s weird. If you were able to sign into your kindle account you shouldn’t have any problems synching them.
Books Teacup and Reviews
the email id registered for kindle and amazon itself doesn’t exist anymore. I didn’t change it in kindle in fear of losing books. Even though I couldn’t sign in on amazon due to deleted email id, I still was getting NetGalley books on kindle.
I always have wired problems that have no solution! 😅
I’m sorry I wasn’t of any help. I’m not very tech savvy myself so I’m always have issues I can’t fix either.
Books Teacup and Reviews
I just opened my laptop’s kindle app after ages and I think I have the books there but I have to make sure if they are all of them.
Oh that’s good. I hope they are all there!! 🤞🏼
nickimags @ Secret Library Book Blog
Sending lots of positive thoughts for your baby niece and the family! I think your NetGalley books should still be linked to your Amazon account as they don’t get deleted, and you can resend them to other devices that you may have the Kindle app on. Let me know if you need any help. x
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you! She is recovering fast but still needs oxygen and has to stay under observation for at least a week.
Nope old books are archived and as for the Amazon, I used different email I’d for Amazon and kindle registrations and that email id is not working anymore so can’t open Amazon or the cloud! I have newer books in kindle app on iPad but anything older than a year is not.
Oh Yesha – what a month! I really hope that your niece continues to improve x
Books Teacup and Reviews
I hope so. Today she was much better, needs less oxygen than yesterday. If she recovers at this speed she might be home by next weekend.
JK Joy
Oh, I think I would be so lost if something happened to my Kindle. I am so sorry you are dealing with this, Yesha. I hope your niece gets better very soon. Have a wonderful weekend ☕📚🌞💛
Books Teacup and Reviews
Thank you! We all are praying she comes home soon. Wish you great weekend as well 😀🧡