September 2024 Wrap Up

September 2024 Wrap Up – stressful month of the year

Hello Readers! I hope you’re well and had a spectacular September. September for me has been the most stressful month of the year, largely due to school and all the changes we had to make because of it. Check out the September highlights, books read and plans for October in this September 2024 Wrap Up.

September 2024 Wrap Up

September 2024 Highlight

This month, work was lighter, but the ongoing issues with my employer persisted. Things took a tougher turn with the second parent-teacher meeting at school.

For over a year, my child had been receiving therapy at school, which was convenient and saved both time and money. However, after nearly 18 months, there has been no noticeable progress, and the school has acknowledged this too.

Unfortunately, the therapist didn’t take responsibility for the lack of improvement and instead blamed my child and us, leading to an ultimatum from the school. They warned that if she doesn’t improve by November, she’ll need a shadow teacher. This is frustrating because the school wasted so much time, and now they’re giving us only a month to see results. Moreover, having a shadow teacher goes against what she truly needs.

To avoid that outcome, we consulted our doctor and her previous therapist, who recommended regular therapy outside of school, which is difficult with both me and my husband working. I wasn’t enjoying my job anyway, so the simplest solution was for me to resign and focus on my child.

My daughter is at a point where she understands and observes what’s happening around her, but her lack of confidence and difficulty expressing herself are causing most of the issues. Her teachers and the therapist at school claimed they don’t know what’s triggering her reactions, but when I asked her classmates, they mentioned she is love child but she reacts poorly when forced to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, or do classwork.

It feels like the school is targeting her just because she can’t express herself. They keep noting that she only completes classwork when she’s in the mood, but I’m unsure how to change that. We’re starting regular therapy from today, and we’re hopeful it will help her gradually. However, I suspect we’ll need to be ready for a fight if the school continues pushing for a shadow teacher.

All of this happened around the 20th, and I’ve been unable to focus on anything else since. I resigned right away, and although my employer didn’t resist much, he made sure to criticize me on my last day over something that wasn’t entirely my fault and wouldn’t hear my side of the story. But now I feel relieved that I no longer have to work for him.

The only bright spots this month were the review copies I received from the publisher and attending a book fair in the middle of the month.

Reading Stats

Books Read : 7
Pages Read : 1875
Goodreads Challenge : 69/80

Books Read in September 2024

Rewitched is a heartwarming, cozy urban fantasy with a rich magical world and engaging characters. I almost gave this 5 star. It’s perfect book to read this autumn. ★★★★.5

Lady of Steel and Straw is a gripping and heartbreaking Three Musketeers inspired fantasy with strong world-building and character development. This isn’t Three Musketeers retelling but I could see resemblance in camaraderie between characters. I can’t wait to see what happens in sequel. ★★★★

Kavithri is gripping, raw, and outrageous Indian-inspired steampunk fantasy with brutal world and compassionate main character. I feel the scenes before climax was too stretched and everything after climax was too rushed but otherwise this was really good. ★★★★

Rebellion in Ranchi is a moving, emotional, and inspiring middle grade historical fiction that sheds light on the harsh realities of colonial rule and hardships endured in the struggle for India’s freedom. It’s perfect book to look back in pre-independece time introduces the tribal life. ★★★★★

Grandpa’s Bag of Stories is fast-paced, beautifully engaging collection of stories filled with morals that parents and grandparents will love sharing with their children of age 8 or more. I highly recommend this book. ★★★★

The Talking Book is a fun, informative, and thought-provoking journey of communication that sparks curiosity and invites readers to communicate about communication. Kid interested in history and the topic would enjoy reading this. ★★★★

Dolls of Despair is a fun and exhilarating graphic novel, set in a magical world filled with captivating characters and vibrant illustrations. I think I would have enjoyed Dolls of Despair even more if I have read previous books in this series. ★★★★

October Plan

As of now nothing much has been planned. Most of my time will go in my kid’s therapy and practicing the same at home also giving her more exposure with communication. I’m also trying to find stories that help with conveying her emotions and communicating with others. If you have any in mind especially if it’s on KU, please drop the suggestions in comment.

Check out the September highlights, books read and plans for October in this September 2024 Wrap Up post. #monthinreading #monthlywrapup Share on X
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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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