One Way to Love (Jasmine Villa Series #1) by Andaleeb Wajid (1)
Review,  Romance

One Way to Love (Jasmine Villa Series #1) by Andaleeb Wajid

One Way to Love is a delightful, light, sweet, and spicy Indian romance with arranged marriage trope.

One Way to Love

One Way to Love (Jasmine Villa Series #1) by Andaleeb Wajid

Publication Date : April 30, 2023

Publisher : Westland Books

Read Date : July 11, 2023

Genre : Romance / Contemporary

Pages : 276

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Other Books I have read by the same Author-

All Drama No Queen

Disclaimer – Many thanks to Publisher for sending review copy as part of Blogchatter Book Review Program.
This post contains affiliate links.



Tehzeeb Hasan’s family home, Jasmine Villa, may be a villa only in name, but she loves it dearly. Living there with her father and two younger sisters, working a job she likes and deftly dodging the many marriage proposals the neighbourhood aunties keep sending for her, Tehzeeb has a happy life. Marriage is the last thing on her mind, until fate conspires to bring her face to face with Ayub Ahmed. Young and handsome

Ayub Ahmed is one of the most eligible bachelors in the city, but he has no desire to get married. However, when he meets the utterly charming Tehzeeb, he changes his mind. Smitten by each other, the two decide to marry, and suddenly Tehzeeb finds herself struggling with her new life. Not only is she expected to be a perfect bahu at all times―dressed in flowy ghagras, and heavy jewellery―she has very little in common with her new family. Stifled by the numerous vapid parties she has to attend, she yearns to break free.

Will Tehzeeb be able to hold on to her own identity amidst the well-coiffed ladies who lunch? Will Ayub’s love for her override their many differences? Will the young couple actually be able to make their marriage work despite all odds? An irresistible romance, One Way to Love is the first book in the Jasmine Villa series.


One Way to Love is short and sweet first book in Jasmine Villa series that focuses on the love story of Tehzeeb and Ayub who never thought about marriage and even less love, but when their fathers decide to marry them, they feel attraction and connection from the very first meeting and soon after marriage they start falling for each other. But marriage comes with its own trials and tribulations. It was interesting to see how they will overcome the marital obstacles.

Writing is simple, easy to follow, and fast-paced with third-person alternative dual perspective narrative. The plot is simple and felt very Bollywood style and like those television romance series. I enjoyed the beginning of the book with the introduction of Jasmine Villa, Tehzeeb’s house, and her family.

The family dynamic is really good. Tehzeeb’s father is lovely and kind. I loved how he never forced his daughters specially Tehzeeb to marry and let her follow whatever she wanted until engagement. He didn’t hold typical archaic beliefs and supported Tehzeeb in all situations.

The sisterly bond between Tehzeeb, Ana, and Athiya is the best part in the book. They all have different personalities and yet they loved and supported each other. Athiya is the youngest – Fiery and blunt who wouldn’t hesitate to voice her opinion. Ana is the middle sister who is smart, strong, and a little cynical. The banter between Ana and Athiya is fun to read.

Tehzeeb is shy, observant, and responsible oldest sister. She is the worrier of the family but she is kind and compassionate and is always liked by everyone wherever she goes. But she couldn’t impress her mother-in-law, Afreen. She goes through whatever Afreen wishes but after a month of marriage, she gets tired of being bossed around and controlled by her.

I liked how she slowly took back control of her life, what she wear, and what she can do without hurting anyone’s feelings. She talked to Ayub but like a typical Indian husband, he failed to understand her perspective. I liked how she supported her sister-in-law even though she didn’t like her for posting everything up on social media. I wasn’t surprised when all the pent up emotions finally broke the dam of restraint causing cracks in her and Ayub’s relationship. I could understand her decision at the climax.

Ayub was good at first. Of course, I was skeptical of his instant attraction and his insistence on getting married without even knowing Tehzeeb properly. I like that he supported Tehzeeb’s decision of doing job and all but even though he knew his family best, he couldn’t understand Tehzeeb and why she made fun of his family. I hated him for picking up a fight about taking leave and then getting angry at her for going behind his back and reacting wrongly based on it. His reasons for not reaching out to her after climax didn’t feel solid enough.

I liked the way author represented arranged marriage in the Muslim community. I liked how both traditional and modern families and their different views were portrayed. Layers of class differences and women’s positions in society and in an arranged marriage are realistic and relatable.

Climax is expected and I could see it coming. What happened was sure embarrassing for Tehzeeb and I could feel her anxiety and fear and she was right to be angry after what her mother-in-law said. I was annoyed at Ayub and his family and their apology didn’t feel convincing but I liked the end and how everything worked out for both Tehzeeb and Ayub.

Why 3 stars –

Romance is insta-lust and they fall in love quickly and I would have been fine with it but they don’t spend real time getting to know each other. I don’t get what they really loved about each other, I couldn’t see them falling in love. Most of the time they spend together is all sex scenes and telling each other they are beautiful! There is chemistry between them, it’s spicy and sizzling as said in the synopsis but that’s not enough for me. Let’s just say I wasn’t impressed with the romance aspect.

There isn’t much depth with the characters. They are developed but it still felt like I know them superficially. I couldn’t root for nor admired any of the characters.

There is lots of telling than showing or feeling. And there are Hindi untranslated words. There aren’t many but I don’t think non-Indian readers will enjoy googling them.

Overall, One Way to Love is delightful, light, sweet, and spicy Indian romance with arranged marriage trope but it turned out okay for me.

You might like this if you,
-are new to romance genre
-want something light and fast
-enjoy strong sisterly bond
-like good family dynamics
-enjoy family drama
-like arranged marriage trope
-love theme of women’s position in society
-like representation of Indian Muslim culture

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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