I already want this year to be over

I already want this year to be over #NovemberWrapUp

Hello readers! Here is wrap-up of another month that was slow and tiring. I’m just happy we are in the last month of the year as I already want this year to be over. Like I said in the only weekly wrap-up I wrote, November didn’t start well for me. My husband was away for a week in November end, I had a lot of housework along with my kid and now I have a recurrent cold that left me exhausted with not enough sleep. I couldn’t read much nor I could do much else except scroll through Instagram! So for December.

I already want this year to be over

Highlights –

– My kid turned 4. We had a good time and she enjoyed her birthday. Actually, she enjoys cutting cakes. We don’t cut the cake of our own birthdays as she takes the honours! Whether it’s my birthday or my parents’ or my brother’s marriage anniversary, she cuts the cake otherwise be prepared for a tantrum or there might possibility of she throwing the cake so we just let her! But here are lovely pictures of her birthdays. That smile sure melts our heart and for a moment we forget how much she keeps us on our toes.

Reading Stats

Books Read – 4
Pages – 1534

Books I read in November

Legendborn (Legendborn, #1) by Tracy Deonn ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – The best book I read this month. It is a fantastic and complex YA Fantasy. The concept reminded me of Shadowhunters. The basic is same as Shadowhunters but here superhumans fighting demons call themselves Legendborn and they are descendent of King Arthur and his Knights of the roundtable. There are lots of legends and history interesting diverse characters with trial and amazing twists and turns. I already want to get the second book. I’m going to order it next week or before month end.

A Light in the Forest by Melissa Payne ⭐⭐⭐⭐ -This is touching and emotive character-driven fiction with many layers and heavy topics. Writing is gripping and suspenseful but after some point, it gets easy to guess what might have happened. I love this author but previous books are the best.

American Stonehenge (The Adventures of Jimmy and Andrew, #1) by Mike Goldstein ⭐⭐⭐.5 – adventurous first book in middle-grade series. I loved the way story started. Character introduction, concept, and build-up was interesting.The story is more sci-fi than fantasy. There are many supernatural elements that make the plot a little far-fetched, I couldn’t connect with any characters but it’s still enjoyable.

Berliners by Vesper Stamper ⭐⭐⭐ – thought-provoking historical fiction of a complex journey of fraternal twins and their family fractured by politics and separated by the Berlin Wall. This was too slow for my liking and I hated one of the twins and there was no development for that character. But still historical aspect is amazing.

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Plans for December

Nothing much! Maybe I will start drafting end-of-the-year posts but only if I get the time or if I’m in mood but you can expect them in last week of December or in first week of January.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

How was your month?
Have you read any of these books or plan to?

What do you plan to read in December?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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