September Highlights and Books

September Highlights and Books

Hello readers! I hope you had a great September both in reading and life. My month in terms of reading wasn’t as satisfying as last month, as I have been saying on my past weekly wrap-ups/updates, not because of quality but because of quantity. I have pile of books on priority now on top of all books I wish to read and that doesn’t make me feel good. But that didn’t stop me from buying books. So here are September highlights and Books I read-

September Highlights and Books

Highlights of the month-

There has been a book fair. I bought many books this month with money I earned by reviewing or participating in challenges or through giveaways on Blogchatter (site for Indian bloggers).

I enjoyed meeting parents in my daughter’s school and now her school has started therapy within the premise itself and also during school hours. That means now we wouldn’t have to take her to a therapist every week or spend money for that either, school will be taking care of it. They did the required assessment and it was great to hear she just needs a little push.

I started Harry Potter embroidery. There isn’t much progress there either as I’m focusing more on reading but I might finish it by this month end.

I watched Power of Rings episodes released so far. It isn’t bad for me as I haven’t read the history of middle earth or books that should be read before Lord of The Rings. So i find it interesting to know more about characters and stories that happened before the fellowship of rings.

Reading Stats

Book Read – 6
Pages Read – 2304

Reading challenge update – 63/70 (it will be more than 80 books by the year end)

Books I read in September

(click on title for review)

Love on the Brain is entertaining and charming romance that focused on the neuroscientist, Bee’s hate-to-love relationship with the engineer, Levi when they collab in the neuroengineering project of NASA. I enjoyed this more than love hypothesis. The plot was strengthened by layers of science, knowing more about historical pioneer of science, Marie Salomea Skłodowska–Curie through heroine’s obsession, community of STEM women, Twitter drama, biases in STEM field and unfair education system. Romance is best part. This is perfect combination of love and science. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Winter Orphans is emotional and heartbreaking historical fiction that revolves around Jewish refugee children of Château de la Hille and Swiss volunteers women, Rösli Näf and Anne-Marie Piguet, who showed tremendous courage and determination to save the children of Château de la Hille. This was most moving and emotive read of the month, a tragic story of cruelty and humanity based on real people and events. I highly recommend this to fans of historical fiction. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes is enjoyable collection of 11 stories, 11 cases more Watson accounted that happened in no particular order. This is very much similar to The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in terms of themes, tone, and randomness but it still have some surprising elements that came as the introduction of new characters. Note that I’m giving this full star because of those new characters. All stories make the perfect balance of light and dark themes. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Lost Ticket is heartwarming and adorable contemporary that focuses on Libby’s new life phase in London and lost souls bond with each other through the search of Girl on the Bus 88. There is lot going on in this. There are many characters in the book as it takes place on London Bus and main characters meet many people on the bus. Relationships between the characters was my favorite part of the story. his is touching, wholesome, soulful, and hopeful contemporary about kindness with foud family vibe. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Dragon’s Promise is immersive YA Fantasy that revolves around Shiori’s adventure to fulfill the promise she made to her stepmother. I loved more of legends, folklores and exploring not just Taijin Sea but also other parts of the world that takes us to Tambu Islands and Forgotten Isles of Lapzur with its own legend but I wish Dragon world and some elements were explore more. First book was much better than this sequel. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Abhimanyu is a touching and epic life journey of one of the bravest hero of the timeless saga of Indian mythology who died very young but heroically. The story is about great war, fate, fulfilling destiny, moral duty, tragedy, bravery, and courage. This story takes us through the adventurous, moving, and emotional life journey of Abhimanyu from love story of his parents Arjun and Subhadra (Lord Krishna’s sister) to his birth, his childhood, his relationships with his stepmother, half brothers, cousins, friends, and short marital life with his wife, to his valours and achievements, and at the end, the death. I absolutely loved this book, especially how the author gave closer look on Abhimanyu’s life and made him shine through book even in the presence of Lord Krishna and Arjun. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Plans for October

Nothing! I don’t expect anything this birthday. We might have a family dinner but nothing special. Hopefully, read more.
I might finish Harry Potter frame.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

How was your month?
Have you read any of these books or plan to?

What do you plan to read in October?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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