Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood
Review,  Romance

Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood – perfect combination of love and science

Love on the Brain is fun, fluffy, refreshing, and heartwarming romcom with great layer of women in STEM and adorable lovely charcters. This is perfect combination of love and science.

Love on the Brain

Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood

Publication Date : August 23, 2022

Publisher : Berkley 

Read Date : August 13, 2022

Genre : Romance

Pages : 368

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Tea for this book : Indian Masala Chai

Spice Factor : ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥/5

Disclaimer – Many thanks to Berkley for eARC via NetGalley.
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Other Books I have read by similar author-

The Love Hypothesis 


From the New York Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis comes a new STEMinist rom-com in which a scientist is forced to work on a project with her nemesis—with explosive results.

Bee Königswasser lives by a simple code: What would Marie Curie do? If NASA offered her the lead on a neuroengineering project – a literal dream come true – Marie would accept without hesitation. Duh. But the mother of modern physics never had to co-lead with Levi Ward.

Sure, Levi is attractive in a tall, dark, and piercing-eyes kind of way. But Levi made his feelings toward Bee very clear in grad school – archenemies work best employed in their own galaxies far, far away.

But when her equipment starts to go missing and the staff ignore her, Bee could swear she sees Levi softening into an ally, backing her plays, seconding her ideas… devouring her with those eyes. The possibilities have all her neurons firing.

But when it comes time to actually make a move and put her heart on the line, there’s only one question that matters: What will Bee Königswasser do?

Review of Love on the Brain

Love on the Brain is entertaining and charming romance that focused on the neuroscientist, Bee Königswasser’s hate-to-love relationship with the engineer, Levi Ward when they collab in the neuroengineering project of NASA. The story is about betrayal, avoidant attachment, love, science, gender biases in STEM, and taking chance on love and happiness.

Writing is lively, gripping, and entertaining with first person narrative from Bee’s perspective. The plot is predictable and I agree with readers, this has similarities with The Love Hypothesis in terms of broody hero, heroine clueless of hero’s feelings, smart and brilliant in her field, swoon-worthy romance… and yet I loved and enjoyed this more than The Love Hypothesis. This is more fresh and charming with most adorable main characters.

I absolutely loved Bee. She is lively, quirky, smart, and brilliant scientist with tattoos, purple hair, wit, funny personality who abhor physical activity and has nervous brain that makes her faint in stressful and surprising situations or in fear. I definitely agree with Levi, “her useless parasympathetic nervous system is endless source of entertainment”. I can’t believe how many times she fainted in story. Her awkwardness and rambling is so amusing and her love for science is admirable.

I get her fear of being left alone, getting hurt by other people and not trusting love and heart. Her history with people isn’t really great especially after what her ex-fiance and her best friend did. I could understand why she wasn’t ready with relationship ever in life. I also wanted to hug her for missing sense of family and stability for not having parents and with a twin sister who never stays at one place. It was lovely to see how Levi made her change her opinion, help her get over her fears, take a leap of faith, and give him a chance.

Levi is man of every woman’s dream. He is so sexy, lovely, sweet, smart, and so vey patient. He is reserved, private, brooding with authoritative personality, respected by his colleagues and team but he is hopeless when it comes to Bee. This man was pining for Bee since grad school and was hiding it really well behind his careless, unaffecting feature. I don’t blame Bee for not seeing his real feeling as he was really good at hiding them until he saw Bee didn’t marry her ex-fiance. It was great how he managed to penetrate walls around Bee’s heart and brain. It was lovely to know him more once he opens to Bee and let us in his life outside the lab along with her. I hated his family for constantly showing their dispapointment and not seeing the person he is, how much great his work is and how happy he is in his profession.

I also loved side character, Rocio, Bee’s assistant and coworker. She is kick-ass, blunt, witty, and hilarious. I loved her penchant for everything horror and it was interesting to see this dark adn black loving person falling for bubly and pink coworker of Levi.

The plot was more strengthened by layers of science, knowing more about historical pioneer of science, Marie Salomea Skłodowska–Curie through heroine’s obsession, there is a community of STEM women on twitter, Twitter drama on biases in STEM field and unfair education system.

Romance is best part. I so much enjoyed Bee and Levi’s nemesis-to-lovers relationship, their banter, conversations, lovely and deep moments, and hot sexy scenes, and there were many hot scenes. Levi and Bee make amazing team not just in labs but also in romance.

Climax is predictable and as I was expecting and still it was interesting to read how Bee will get of the mess of her life and how they will discover the person sabotaging their project and once they did, it made very much tense moment. I liked the end and it was great Bee chnaged her mind and gave Levi and herself a chance of happiness. I wish there was more detail on how the Twitter drama ended in the epilogue. It was lovely to finally meet Bee’s twin sister in person. I sure would love to have her own story.

Overall, Love on the Brain is refreshing, entertaining and heartwarming romcom with great layer of women in STEM and adorable lovely characters. This is perfect combination of love and science.

I highly recommend this if you like,
Women in STEM
Quirky characters
Brooding sexy hero
Nemesis to Lovers trope
Twitter drama
Hot romance
Nemesis to lovers trope
Combination of science and love

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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