Worst Month Of The Yea

July Might Be Worst Month Of The Year #Monthlywrapup #weeklywrapup

Hello readers! I hope you all had joyous July. My July might be the worst month of the year that you can see from the number of books I read. I couldn’t also keep up with blogging and most of the month I didn’t follow any kind of scehdule and also I wasn’t in mood for anything much. And as I couldn’t read much, I got behind in reading list of the month which is now giving me pressure. To make it even more worst my husband and kid got stomach bug last week.

There has been some good things,
– I started new literary embroidery project.
– My kid is getting better with each therapy sessions. Now there is zero screen time, she doesn’t even demand to watch her favorite shows while eating.
– I’m doing workout regularly, 5 days a week.
– I’m happy with how my bookstagram is looking now.

Reading Stats

Books Read – 5
Pages Read – 2000

Books Read

Flirting with Fifty by Jane Porter is heartwarming and clean contemporary romance that revolves around Paige Newsome who finds second chance at love at age 50. The story is about second chance, learning to get out of comfort zone, put yourself first, trust, friendship, and love. This started really good but the middle part is terribly slow. I don’t have problem with slow burn romance or slow pace but here it felt too slow with nothing happening for long long time. It had lull of regular normal life which is sure realistic and relatable but like I said Paige’s dilemma and self-doubt was too much for me. ⭐⭐⭐(3.5)

Dog Friendly by Victoria Schade is heartwarming and lovely contemporary that revolves around overworked, burned-out veterinarian, Morgan Pearce, who has to take a vacation after losing consciousness due to fatigue. Best part of the story is theme of compassion fatigue and emotional trauma that every veterinarian go through. I didn’t know the darker side of the profession. Dogs are amazing, it was interesting to know about dogs, their behavior, ailments and diseases more. I didn’t like the lull in middle part. It felt like nothing much is happening in the book in terms of character development and romance for long time. I wish there was more discussion on what Morgan was going through, what has affected her self-esteem, and why she feared talking about her problems for most of the book. Both romantic and sibling relationships are okay.⭐⭐⭐(3.5)

Some of It Was Real by Nan Fischer is touching and emotive contemporary about Sylvie Young, up and rising psychic-medium who helps people getting over grief and Thomas Holmes, a reporter for the LA Times who thinks she fraud and is determined to expose her. I loved the layer of dysfunctional family, bending law to save people, flaws of foster system, prejudice, and judgments. I liked the way author represented psychics and their work, how some can be real while others make it a means to earning money, and how that can affect people both in good and bad way. There is so much depth, emotions, mystery and suspense here. Another hidden gem I found after Keeper of Stories by Sally Page.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Raybearer (Raybearer, #1) by Jordan Ifueko is perfection. I still can’t believe this is a debut novel. I knew this book was good before purchasing or started reading but I didn’t expect this to turn out best book of the year. It’s refreshing, reviving, spectacular, mind-blowing and so well written YA Fantasy. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Redemptor (Raybearer, #2) by Jordan Ifueko is spectacular conclusion of Raybearer duology. I read this faster than first book even though the beginning was steady paced compared to lightning pace of first book. Somehow this one is even harder to review than first book.Again I loved the world and charatcers but journey to underworld is what I loved most and what I was anticipating from te beginning. The part is small than I expected but it packed so many surprises. My review will be up later this week. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Blog Stats

views – 4929
visits – 2869
comments – 163

Other Post Published

My thoughts on Everything Related to Book Reviews

Best Books of 2022 so far… (from Jan to June)

Challenge Updates

Goodreads Goal – 49/70
20 Books of Summer Challenge – 13 read, 1 review to post.

Links I enjoyed

85+ books with Disability Representation // Celebrating Disability Pride Month @ Inking & Thinking


The Bastardisation of Persuasion @ The Orangutan Librarian

Reacting to Rumours about my Reading Life! @Whispering Stories


My Blog Aesthetic || On Creating It, Maintenance, & More @ the wordy habitat

Weekly Wrap Up

Currently Reading

The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie by Rachel Linden – I’m halfway through this. It’s interesting. I love the concept of Lolly regretting her life choices, feeling stuck and thinking how her life might be if she could change things made different choices and she get that through magical lemon drops her quircky aunt gives her as gift. I’m enjoying knowing Lolly and her relationship with her family and her one and only love, Rory, whose heart she broke for familt responsibility but the thing is, this is slow.

I thought I’ll finish this in weekends but with life happening, I can’t possibly finish this before tomorrow.

Next I’ll be reading

Just Another Love Song by Kerry Winfrey I enjoed Kerry Winfrey’s Waiting for Tom Hanks  duology and when I got this email from publisher I couldn’t say no, even though I’m so burried under priority read list. And there is a second chance, so no chance I was letting this go.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

How was your month?
Have you read any of these books or plan to?

What do you plan to read in August?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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