A Temporary Change in Blogging schedule

A Temporary Change in Blogging schedule #Weeklywrapup

Hello readers! I hope you all are well and had great week. You might have noticed the change in post schedules (I usually don’t have or follow one but I try to post as early and as near to regular time as I can) and not being as active as usual these days. It’s because of summer vacation and change in our routine as my kid is at home most of the time and I hardly get time for blogging these days. Either I can read or I blog or socialize with relatives or have family time. Obviously, I give more time to reading and family. I will try to catch up the posts I missed whenever I get time but if I can’t I just wanted to say this is just a temporary change in blogging schedule until my kid’s school starts again on 7th June.

Nothing much happened last week. We went for a movie on Sunday and spent whole day with family and relatives. It was good change and we had fun. I received a book for review that I’m going to read this week. I’ll be less active because of family event this weekend and my mother-in-law is visiting for that.

Books I Read Last Week

Every Summer After by Carley Fortune

This was heartwarming beautifullty written story. Characters were heart of the book and I loved their childhood friendship, relationship and how they found their way back to each other. I could predict what break them apart even before I reached middle of the story and yet I enjoyed this. Here is full review

Carry On (Simon Snow #1) by Rainbow Rowell

Okay I enjoyed this. This isn’t the usual story with usual fanatsy and roamnce elements. It has slow start as we know about the world bit by bit. It was like I was cluless what’s happening until more information about the world and characters were revealed and by the time it picked pace and became more intersting there was already so many things revealed. I wouldn’t have liked that with other story but wierdly it worked here and it actually kept me going. Twists and turns are good. Some I could see coming and some I couldn’t. I loved the magic system. It’s not as developed or amazing as I was expecting but it’s unique and amusing. It was fun to read some silly spells and phrases they use. End is unpredictable or rather I was expecting much more reactions from characters. It kind of dull the revealation but this is series so I hope they discuss things happened in the end in next book.

Next I’m reading

The Magic Mindset: How to Find Your Happy Place by Preeti Sheno

Sometimes, it’s not easy to find the silver lining.

While positivity is about looking at the bright side of things, the magic mindset embraces and accepts that it is not always possible to do so. Sometimes things get so bleak that our mind refuses to accept that there can be a silver lining.

In this book, Preeti Shenoy gives you a set of principles for every area of life, designed to help us shift our perspective from hopelessness to hope, from despondency to joy, from cynicism to belief – a belief that change is coming, and things are not as bad as they seem.

Perfect reading for the difficult times that we are living in, The Magic Mindset is full of tips, suggestions, fun exercises and practical advice on career, family, health, relationships, finances, social media, and more. It also includes inspiring stories and anecdotes from Preeti’s own life. A cornerstone for all those who want to change their outlook, The Magic Mindset helps us build a purposeful and joyful life.

Yup I’m trying more nonfiction books this year but if this doesn’t work, I’m not going to read any more self-hlep or essays and I might try autobiography and history or true crime. I saw some positive reviews about this book so I’m hoping this gives better experience than IKIGAI.

Adult Assembly Required by Abbi Waxman

A young woman arrives in Los Angeles determined to start over, and discovers she doesn’t need to leave everything behind after all, from Abbi Waxman, USA Today bestselling author of The Bookish Life of Nina Hill.

When Laura Costello moves to Los Angeles, trying to escape an overprotective family and the haunting memories of a terrible accident, she doesn’t expect to be homeless after a week. (She’s pretty sure she didn’t start that fire — right?) She also doesn’t expect to find herself adopted by a rogue bookseller, installed in a lovely but completely illegal boardinghouse, or challenged to save a losing trivia team from ignominy…but that’s what happens. Add a regretful landlady, a gorgeous housemate and an ex-boyfriend determined to put himself back in the running and you’ll see why Laura isn’t really sure she’s cut out for this adulting thing. Luckily for her, her new friends Nina, Polly and Impossibly Handsome Bob aren’t sure either, but maybe if they put their heads (and hearts) together they’ll be able to make it work for them.

I haven’t read any book by the author before but I have seen those books discussed a lot and most raders liked author’s previous books so I can’t wait to start this one. Some reviews says this follows The Bookish Life of Nina Hill that I didn’t know until this morning. I hope I can read this as standalone.

Thank you for reading! Let’s chat..,

Have you read any of these books or added to TBR?
What are you reading this week?
QOTW – How are you spending summer vacation this year?

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Posts Last week –

Week of Heat Waves – Weekly wrap up
10 Reasons to Read Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff – Book review
Every Summer After by Carley Fortune – Book Review

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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