Cover reveal

#coverreveal : Music & Mirrors Cursed Hearts Book #2) by Candace Robinson @literardust @midnighttidepublishing

Hello readers! It’s the cover reveal for the new book book Music & Mirrors  by Candace Robinsons, second in Cursed Hearts series. Cover is cover design by Jena R Collins. Check out this new YA paranormal book and its cover in this post.

Title: Music & Mirrors (Cursed Hearts Book Two)
Publisher: Midnight Tide Publishing
Genre : Fantasy / Paranormal / YA


Before Ridley became the Mirror Keeper, he was just a guy in love who’d had a tough life before meeting Leni. Through Leni, he thought he’d found a way to truly live in the music they loved. But in the Mirror Dimension, everything can easily be broken—even their bond.

Leni has been haunted by shadows her whole life. She had kept the burden a secret from everyone—except for Ridley and her brother—and turned to music as a distraction. But those shadows are what led her to become the Piper, whether she wanted it or not. The only reason she continued on her destructive path is the secret she must protect at all costs.

Now back in the Mirror Dimension, Ridley and Leni must face punishment by the royals in charge of the curse. Music alone won’t be enough to help them this time. In order for Ridley and Leni to save themselves, they must seek help from the two people they almost killed. If they can’t band together to defeat the royals, Leni will end up dead and Ridley will become something he truly hates.  





Pre-order link:

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know in comments what do you think about the book, if you have read the previous book in the series or any book by the same author. Are you going to add this to TBR?

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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