Book Tag/Award


Hello readers! I hope you all are having relaxing Sunday. I am in mood for book tag today. There is nothing like Fall weather here. It’s still suffocatingly hot and humid here in Gujarat, India. I thoughts its better to get the Fall feel with book tag! Thank you Jenna@Bookmark Your Thoughts for tagging me to THE FALL BUCKET LIST BOOK TAG this week. Check out Jenna’s beautiful blog, her brilliant reviews and discussion posts on her blog.

The Rules:

  • Link back to the original creator in your post.
  • Feel free to use any of my graphics in your post, or create your own!
  • Tag 7 other people at the end of your post, and let them know you’ve tagged them.

I’m reading many light-hearted books these days and I love lovely romcom and chick-lit. These are my recent reads and all three books warm my heart and made me smile.

I read hyped books and I don’t have any problem with that. One reason of reading hyped book for me is, I know what I am getting into and I can say if I’m going to like it or not. These two books were amazing.

Eudora Honeysett and Rose – Eudora Honeysett is Quite Well, Thank You by Annie Lyons
Iko and Cinder – Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
Josie, Lola and Roan – Tiny Imperfection by Alli Frank, Asha Youmans

I just finished this book and I loved all characters and their connection with each other. The love story of Henry and Francine was so lovely and heart warning and touching.

I have read more books with talented bakers than talented chef. If that counts here they are-

These are the best books I read this year and I’m so in love with characters, setting and theme and I am happy I read them.

I Tag –

emme @ a literary latte
Julie @ A Little Book Problem
Heather @ This Library of Mine
Sam @ Tropical Girl Reads
Kate @Your Tita Kate
Nikita @ Prose & Pancakes
Rose @ Novels & Teacups

Thank you for reading my review and I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know in comments what books made you jump for joy this year.

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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