

Hello Readers! It’s my dad’s birthday and I’m glad to be with him today. Last week I read 2 books. Weekend was busy in house hunting, I was so tired at the end of the day, I didn’t read anything and I guess all weekends will be like that until we find the house. It’s tough to find the house than we expected but it was just first weekend of house hunting so hopefully we will find the one as we explore more areas. My daughter is well adjusted with my parents and most unexpected was, her schedule is normal now. She sleeps by 11 at night and wakes up early at around 8 in the morning ever since we arrived here. It feels so good to finally have time for myself.

What I read last week-

The Quality of Mercy: A Lady Evelyn Mystery by Malia Zaidi

It was good to read old characters specially Evelyn and Daniel and I like new characters introduced in this one with some good and some bad who had their own mystery apart from the main murder mystery. It was fun and compelling cozy mystery that captured 1920s London and culture aptly with fascinating characters and mysteries to solve. Read my review ➡ HERE.

Half Life by Lillian Clark

I liked the concept and plot. Who wouldn’t like if you can be more, do everything, be present at two place at the same time without sacrificing anything by having a clone, an exact copy of self who thinks, acts and says like you with same genes, mind and heart! Sounds exciting right? But not without its own complications. This was mainly contemporary. It wasn’t like futuristic sci-fi as it was set in present day but I enjoyed scientific procedures of making clone and jargons. It wasn’t easy to like main character. Middle part of the book was a bit slow. Development and all exciting things happened too late in the book. Overall, it was enjoyable; Teens and YAs would like this book. Review will be up this week.

Currently Reading-

Accidentally in Love by Belinda Missen

Don’t miss the new laugh-out-loud rom com from the author of One Week ’Til Christmas! Perfect for fans of Mhairi McFarlane, Rosie Walsh and Josie Silver.

In the space of a week, Katharine Patterson has quit her job, decided to move back home, and broken up with the guy she thought was the one.

No big deal.

Because Katharine has a plan. She’s going to open her own art gallery, just like she’s always wanted. What she’s not going to do is worry about boyfriends.

Then she meets Kit, a handsome and talented local artist. He might be the most stubborn person Katharine has ever met. He might also make her feel like no one ever has before.

And Katharine might be about to fall accidentally in love…

I’m 25% through this and I already love Kathairne. She is strong and have so much potential than she thinks. I like where this story was going. Kit is so rude and I don’t like him for judging Katharine so instantly but I think he has his story so I’m curious to find out what it is and how Katharine’s new idea of opening her own art gallery will turn out.

Next I’ll be Reading-

You May Kiss the Bridesmaid (First Comes Love #6) by Camilla Isley

Archibald Hill is handsome, single, and he’s going to his best friend’s wedding ready to make a conquest or two. After all, everyone knows weddings are the perfect setting to get lucky.

Summer Knowles used to have a life—friends, family, a sister who’d do anything for her—until she blew it all away with a terrible mistake. Now, attending her twin’s wedding as the party’s undesirable number one seems like more than she can handle. So, when a tall stranger with smoldering ice-blue eyes offers her a therapy of seven nights of no-strings-attached fun, she might even ignore that he has a beard and accept.

Problem is, Summer has never been good at keeping sex and feelings separated…

I usually don’t read book out of order but I was assured this can be read standalone and I have hear many good things abut this book. I’m sure I will like this one.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know in comments what you read last week, what you are planning to read next, and if you have read any of these books.

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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