
#BookReview : Cynthia Smart's Midwife Crisis by Liz Davies #Chicklit @rararesources @lizdaviesauthor

Hello Readers! I’m excited to share my review of Cynthia Smart’s Midwife Crisis by Liz Daviesas part of blog tour, organized by Rachel’s Random Resources. Many thanks to Rachel for tour invite and author for providing review copy.

Cynthia Smart’s Midwife Crisis by Liz Davies
Publication Date : 28th July 2020
Genre :  Chicklit
Pages : 330

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Midlife crisis? What midlife crisis?

At forty-four, Cynthia Smart is exactly where she wants to be. Almost.

In a couple of years, she’ll be the CEO of the company she’s spent her most of her adult life working in. For now, though, she’s still busy shimmying up the greasy pole of corporate business. She’s single, carefree, and independent, and nothing can stop her getting what she wants and deserves.

Until she discovers she’s pregnant.

Determined to have her cake and eat it, she’s convinced that having a baby will make little difference to her life, and that she will be one of those women who can hold down an incredibly demanding job and also be a perfect mother.

But as her pregnancy progresses and her life slowly falls apart, she has the sneaking suspicion that Max Oakland, the new guy on the block, is out to steal her dream job. That she’s terribly attracted to him doesn’t help, nor does the fact that he’s devilishly handsome, appears to be a really nice fella, and is good in a crisis.

When she gradually comes to realise that something has got to give, what she doesn’t want it to be is her heart.

Perfect for fans of Mandy Baggott, Heidi Swain, and Holly Martin.

Other books I read by the same author:

A Typical Family Christmas

Cynthia Smart’s Midwife Crisis was refreshing and entertaining chick-lit that revolved around Cynthia Smart’s unexpected pregnancy. It was about life of career woman, ambitions, life changes after pregnancy, family, loneliness, and love.

After reading A Typical Family at Christmas I knew I would love to read more books by Liz Davies. When I saw this book on blog tour I couldn’t not read this. Writing was easy to follow, flawless and fun. Setting of London and countryside added its charm to story.

Plot was pretty simple and yet interesting. Cynthia Smart worked hard to be a board of director in company she worked for 20 years and to be next CEO but when she unexpectedly got pregnant her life turned upside down. Pregnant at 44 years, boss who doesn’t like sick employee or family women at higher position, who also brought handsome rival, Max, on the board who might take the position she wanted and to make it more complicated she found herself falling for Max. I was curious to know how Cynthia was going to cope with everything and why her boss hired Max and why he was not telling what their boss offered him.

Cynthia was ambitious career woman. She literally was married to her work, never had real friends or had vacation and even spent less time with family. But all that changed when pregnancy test came positive and what made it more interesting, she had no idea how her life was going to change with this pregnancy. I was shaking my head in disbelief hearing her thoughts on how she will manage and plan everything. She thought she could work long hours with pregnancy and even after pregnancy, she would only need few weeks maternity leave and she would hire nanny! This part was bit too much. I mean even women who aren’t mother know anything related to pregnancy and baby never turn out as per plan. I liked how her thoughts and feelings changed as pregnancy progressed. I’m glad she went with her gut feelings and did all that was best for her baby- taking medicine, eating proper food and rest from work.

Cynthia’s mother was charming. Like all mothers she was thrilled hearing news of her pregnancy and her pampering reminded me of my mother. I loved her cottage and her cheerful nature. Cynthia’s PA was great throughout the book.

Max was awesome. He was my most favourite character in book. He couldn’t join board at better time. Cynthia was anxious and cautious around him she feared he would take away her dream job but from very first chapter he gave positive vibe. He was so caring, helped Cynthia and took her to hospital when she got infection, made sure she was taking break from work even though they knew each other just for few weeks. Oh and I loved him for accepting Cynthia with her baby. At first I thought there should be something, he can’t be this perfect but I’m glad I was wrong.

Best part of the book was Cynthia’s voice, their weekend away at Max’s eco-hotel in countryside and romance between Max and Cynthia. It was slow build and it was lovely to read their growing friendship and feelings for each other. When reason behind Max’s joining was revealed I felt Cynthia overreacted and at the same time I felt he should have told her. I also believe what Max said. It was sad to see Cynthia breaking. I couldn’t guess how they will solve their issues and accept their feelings.

Climax was interesting. It was stupid of Cynthia for staying at office so late. I’m glad Max arrived at right time. At this point, finally, title made sense. And I was right about baby’s gender. End was perfect.


Cynthia Smart’s Midwife Crisis was fun, amusing and feel good chick-lit that made laugh and giggle throughout the book. I definitely recommend this book to fans of this genre.

Purchase Link

About Author:

Liz Davies writes feel-good, light-hearted stories with a hefty dose of romance, a smattering of humour, and a great deal of love.

She’s married to her best friend, has one grown-up daughter, and when she isn’t scribbling away in the notepad she carries with her everywhere (just in case inspiration strikes), you’ll find her searching for that perfect pair of shoes. She loves to cook but isn’t very good at it, and loves to eat – she’s much better at that! Liz also enjoys walking (preferably on the flat), cycling (also on the flat), and lots of sitting around in the garden on warm, sunny days.

She currently lives with her family in Wales, but would ideally love to buy a camper van and travel the world in it.


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I hope you enjoyed this review. Let me know what do you think about the book, if you have read this already or any books by the same author. Have you read a book that has ambitious career woman protagonist and which is your favourite?

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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