
Weekly Wrap-Up (20/6/’20) #WeekinReading #WeeklyWrapup

Hello Readers! I hope you had great week. Last week started slow but then I read more than I expected. I read 2 books last week and finished 3rd this morning.

I watched The Witcher on Netflix and now I want to read books as well. It was amazing. Lot of violence and gore, no filter in anything but world was brilliant. The timeline did confuse me but I could join the dots. I can’t wait to watch second season when it releases.

What I read last week-

Happy & You Know It by Laura Hankin

This was great read, filled with drama,new mothers’ life, their feelings and how life changed after babies. There was many layers in this book and I enjoyed characters’ development.

Tiny Imperfections by Alli Frank, Asha Youmans

I enjoyed reading snarky, sexy and bold Bordelon females and even more seeing them in their elements, Josie as admission director at elementary school, Aunt Viv as a head cook in same school and Josie’s daughter as best ballerina. This was entertaining diverse book.

Paris on Repeatby Amy Bearce

I wasn’t sure at first if I’m going to like it much but as I red more I enjoyed it. I liked the storyline and concept, the way Eve understood love and friendship during her repeat last day of Paris and how she ended the time loop magic by being bold.

Next I’ll be reading-

Don’t Turn Around by Jessica Barry

The riveting follow up to Jessica Barry’s debut Freefall—a controversial, of-the-moment thriller about two women fighting for their right to live.

322 miles of road. 6 hours. 2 strangers. 1 killer. Too many secrets.

Midnight. Cait Monaghan and Rebecca McRae are on a desolate road that slices through the New Mexican desert. They’ve never met before tonight. Both have secrets to protect. Both of their lives are in danger.

When a truck pulls up fast behind them, they assume it’s punk teenagers or run-of-the-mill road rage, but it soon becomes clear that whoever is driving the truck is hunting them for sport—and they are out to draw blood.

As the miles unspool and the dangers mount, the pasts they’ve worked so hard to keep buried have come back to haunt them. Someone wants one of them dead. But which one? And given the lives the two women have been leading, that someone could be almost anyone.

If Cait and Rebecca are going to survive, they’ll have to learn to trust one another—and themselves. But trust is a costly business, and they’ve both paid the price before. . . .

I haven’t read ab book that take place on road and I’m already curious to know what are their secrets and how they are going to help each other and survive. I’m on blog tour for this book on 29th.

Cynthia Smart’s Midwife Crisis by Liz Davies

Midlife crisis? What midlife crisis?

At forty-four, Cynthia Smart is exactly where she wants to be. Almost.

In a couple of years, she’ll be the CEO of the company she’s spent most of her adult life working in. For now, though, she’s still busy shimmying up the greasy pole of corporate business. She’s single, carefree, and independent, and nothing can stop her getting what she wants and deserves.

Until she discovers she’s pregnant.

Determined to have her cake and eat it, she’s convinced that having a baby will make little difference to her life, and that she will be one of those women who can hold down an incredibly demanding job and also be a perfect mother.

But as her pregnancy progresses and her life slowly falls apart, she has the sneaking suspicion that Max Oakland, the new guy on the block, is out to steal her dream job. That she’s terribly attracted to him doesn’t help, nor does the fact that he’s devilishly handsome, appears to be a really nice fella, and is good in a crisis.

When she gradually comes to realise that something has got to give, what she doesn’t want it to be is her heart

I have read A Typical Family Christmas by Liz Davis last year. I enjoyed her writing and I wanted read more books by her. When I saw this tour I couldn’t let it go. Another blog tour read, my stop is on 31st.

 hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know in comments what you read last week, what you are planning to read next, and if you have read any of these books.

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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