Book Tag/Award

Prediction Book Tag

Hello readers! I hope you all are enjoying weekend. Usually I don’t post on Sunday but today I wanted to write post. So here is my answers to Prediction Book Tag. Katie@Never Not Reading tagged me in this tag this month. If you are not following her blog check it out now. It’s more interesting than my answers to this tag. 😃

The rules for the Prediction Book Tag:

~ Pingback to the creator, the amazing Mandy & Sha @ Book Princess Reviews!
~ Tag the person who tagged you
~ Find an answer to match each prompt.
~ Most importantly: have fun!

Prediction for my Next Read

Flying Solo by Zoe May

Next I’m going to reading Flying Solo by Zoe May. I enjoyed 2 books I read by Zoe May. Her books are uplifting and liked message in her books. I’m sure I’m going to enjoy this too.

Prediction for my Next 5-Star Read

Shielded (Shielded #1) by KayLynn Flanders


Isn’t that cover is beautiful? I didn’t expect to get this book. It was surprise when publisher sent NetGalley copy of this book. I’m enjoying this second heir saving the family and kingdom trope these days. So I hope this turns out 5 star read but I’m not going to read it this month.

Prediction for my Next 1-Star Read

Who predicts a book 1 star and then read it! I wouldn’t even add a book to TBR if I predict it 1 star and to be honest nobody can predict book 1 star by just reading synopsis.

Prediction for my Next Love Interest/Cool Character


Maia Tamarin in Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim sounds cool. designing and sewing clothes is amazing skill so I hope to like this character. By the way I won this book as random winner of last month’s challenge in Goodreads group and got second book of The Blood of Star duology from publisher via NetGalley. Am I not lucky? 😁

Prediction for my Next Book Buy

I haven’t added any book in cart as I’m not sure when I will finish books I thought I will read this year. But if I buy, I’m thinking either Mistborn Trilogy or books by Sarah J. Maas. I have heard both series are amazing and I’m sure I will enjoy them.

Prediction for my Next Book to Give me a Hangover

The Shadow and Bone Trilogy and Six of Crows Duology. Do I have to say why? I have heard world and characters were great and author is masterful. I wanted to read this series for so long. I can’t wait to dive in this world and I already love this map. 😍

I tag anyone who feel want to do this tag.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know in comments about your prediction for next 5 star read.

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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