
Weekly Wrap-Up (8/6/’20) #WEEKINREADING #WeeklyWrapup

Hello Readers! Last week was shocking and heart shattering with all the new about police brutality and racism against black community. This year keep getting worst. I read some amazing posts that I would like to share them as support.

We bought domino blocks for my daughter. We had other toys in mind but we couldn’t agree on them. Paahi loves these colorful blocks, and me too! Now if I don’t want to read or blog I play with domino. I’m seeing few tricks on YouTube as well (mostly Hevesh5‘s videos. She is amazing), so will try new designs and take videos.

What I read last week-

No Signal (iMe #2) by Jem Tugwell

I finished this book. I enjoyed this techno thriller. Theme, world and characters were outstanding. I’m on blog tour for this and my stop is tomorrow.

Love is What You Bake of it (Meraki #1) by Effie Kammenou

I didn’t plan to read this but either I didn’t check the tour date or note it on wrong day in my calendar and needed to repost on Sat. I don’t like to repeat the content and thankfully I had two days time so decided to read and review this, and I’m glad I did. It was lovely read. REVIEW

Any Day With You by Mae Respicio

Again I didn’t plan to read this. Book I planned to read- From the Shadows (Monica Kennedy #1) by G.R. Halliday- was tour book and I received email just in time that tour is postponed and now new dates are in last week of this month. So i decided to read this short middle grade book and I could finish it in a day.

This was story of Kaia and her connection with her great-grandpa, her feeling and anxiety on knowing her grandpa wanting to go back to his home country, Philippines. This was perfect middle grade book for young readers. I’ll post review later this week.

Next I’ll be reading-

Ghosts of Harvard by Francesca Serritella

A Harvard freshman becomes obsessed with her schizophrenic brother’s suicide. Then she starts hearing voices.

“Every time I thought I knew where Ghosts of Harvard was heading, I turned out to be wrong. Part mystery, part ghost story, part psychological thriller, this novel is all entertainment.”—Jodi Picoult, #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Spark of Light

Cadence Archer arrives on Harvard’s campus desperate to understand why her brother, Eric, a genius who developed paranoid schizophrenia took his own life there the year before. Losing Eric has left a black hole in Cady’s life, and while her decision to follow in her brother’s footsteps threatens to break her family apart, she is haunted by questions of what she might have missed. And there’s only one place to find answers.

As Cady struggles under the enormous pressure at Harvard, she investigates her brother’s final year, armed only with a blue notebook of Eric’s cryptic scribblings. She knew he had been struggling with paranoia, delusions, and illusory enemies—but what tipped him over the edge? With her suspicions mounting, Cady herself begins to hear voices, seemingly belonging to three ghosts who walked the university’s hallowed halls—or huddled in its slave quarters. Among them is a person whose name has been buried for centuries, and another whose name mankind will never forget.

Does she share Eric’s illness, or is she tapping into something else? Cady doesn’t know how or why these ghosts are contacting her, but as she is drawn deeper into their worlds, she believes they’re moving her closer to the truth about Eric, even as keeping them secret isolates her further. Will listening to these voices lead her to the one voice she craves—her brother’s—or will she follow them down a path to her own destruction?

This is long book over 400 pages. So for now I’ll try to finish this and maybe 6th book of Clifton Chronicle that put aside last week as I wasn’t in mood to read remaining 250 pages.

What are you planning to read this week? Have you read any of these books or going to add to TBR?

Happy Reading!

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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