Review,  Women Fiction

#BookReview : The Break Up by Tilly Tennant #TheBreakUp @bookouture

The Break Up by Tilly Tennant
Publication Date: March 26th 2020
Publisher: Bookouture
Genre: Chick-Lit / Romance / Women’s Fiction
Pages: 315
Stars: ★★★★★

What happens when Mr Right goes rogue?

Lara doesn’t have a back-up plan. So when her safe-bet boyfriend Lucien dumps her for her best friend, Lara’s world implodes. Life after the break up stretches bleakly ahead, lonely evenings on the sofa with only a bottle of wine and her grey cat Fluffy for company…

Down the road, Theo loves his job as a jazz musician, giving other people great nights out before coming home in the early hours and unwinding with his loyal cat Satchmo.

What they don’t know is that it’s the same cat.

And when they find out, standing in the streets in their pyjamas, both on the hunt for their lost pet, sparks of the wrong sort fly.

Lara can’t deny that Theo is one of the most gorgeous men she’s ever met, but she can see exactly why he’s still single. They do say opposites attract… but is she ready to move on? And when Lucien comes back into the picture, will she be tempted back to her life before the break up, or risk everything on the chance of something new?

A wonderfully warm will-they-won’t-they romantic read that will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. If you’re a fan of Jill Mansell and Carole Matthews, The Break Up is the love story you’ve been waiting for.
Previously titled: A Cat Called Cupid 

*** Note: I received e-copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to publisher and NetGalley. ***

The Break Up was heartwarming chick lit, cozy romance and women’s fiction that revolved around Lara and life after heart break. It was about betrayal, working on your dream, coming out of heart break and finding closure of hurtful chapter in life, friendship, love, and pet love.

Writing was cozy, lovely and uplifting. Book was written in third person narrative from Lara perspective. It started with the Break Up (so this new title make sense), but it was not just that. After ego-centric, narcissist, Lucien dumped Lara, she found out he left her for her best friend which left Lara heart broken and alone.

Good thing, she didn’t wallow in misery because she found love and companion once again. Not in man, in cat called Fluffy that arrived to her on the very same fateful day to lift her spirit. She started her own business and year had been great with no time to think about heartbreak and man-less life.

But cats are like men. They love to roam around especially at night and go where they get food and cuddle. Fluffy was no different. When Lara was out in her Pajama to find Fluffy, she came across Theo looking for his cat, Satchmo. Turned out both were looking for same cat and that followed by arguments, disagreements, and finding middle solution to work together.  Lara found him handsome and attraction was undeniable. But was she really over her heartbreak, ready for another relationship? Can she trust Theo not breaking her heart? As soon as life was going on right track for Lara, Lucien came back in her path to destroy her life and confidence.

It was interesting to find out who will keep the cat in question, if second chance at love would be lucky and what she will do about Lucien.

Lara was, without a second thought, my favorite character. She was sensible, developed, kind, compassionate, and lovely person. The way she treated her cat, her mother, her one and only employee- Betsy, and clients spoke the volume. She loved with full heart and that’s why it was just so sad to read her heartbreak and I could see why it was so hard for her to come out of it.  She needed closer, to come out of it fully and when that moment came I admired her even more.

Her friendship with Betsy was wonderful. I so wish I could work under such employer. Working hours, amiable tone and treatment, crying shoulder and helping person when in need… Who gets such employer! Honestly, I’m jealous even though I don’t have job.

I even loved her love for her cat. My mom’s cat (partially mine, whenever I’m there) is so like Fluffy. Only thing different is he doesn’t sleep at anybody’s house. But like Fluffy he loves to roam, his freedom, treats and yes he loves variety in his food. I could understand Lara’s worry, what it’s like when cat is lost more than a day, how it feels when it gets hurt.

When it comes to Theo. I liked him but I guess he was bit idiot too! How can he believe in rumors and then question Lara even when she needed understanding and support. I sided with Lara when she gave him hard time. He deserved what he got. His cocky and arrogant exterior made it hard for Lara and me to warm to him, initially. But I’m also glad he wasn’t like Lucien or any men. He was caring, kind and decent guy. At the end he made it hard not to like him.

I enjoyed reading Lara’s dedication towards her business, Places she visited for her wedding services, all sort of clients she dealt with and moreover perks of working from home office set in her own garden. I so wish I could carry my laptop and kindle over there while reading this book. It is different thing blogging is not job but girl can dream, right?

Lara and Theo’s hate-to-Love relationship was entertaining. They both disliked and somewhat hated each other. Every time they met there was arguments and disagreements over the cat, each wanting to take their cat back for good. Attraction was there from the beginning, but both were too pride to admit it until one had to swallow it and other had to be good and kind. I liked how it progressed. It was not usual, like they went on date or something but chemistry was there until that douchebag Lucien stuck his nose in. My goodness, he was do obnoxious. I just couldn’t fathom how Lara could have dated him in the first place!

Climax was sad. It broke my heart seeing Lara heartbroken once again and felt new found admiration for all she did for Betsy and the way move ahead in life. I thought she would lose everything but that wasn’t the case. I’m still shocked and thinking how can her ex-best friend could be so blind and naïve.

The tension near end was palpable and I feared the worst but happy ending was inevitable like all chick lits. I loved how things turned out and I could see why it was title ‘Cat Called Cupid’ first. I still think that title was better.

Overall it was lovely, refreshing and cozy chick lit, part romance and women’s fiction. I highly recommend this book to cat lovers and fans of this genre and those who loves pretty covers. Isn’t it absolutely eye-catching?

Book Link: Goodreads
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Let’s discuss!

What do you think about the book and my review?
Have you read this book already or any book by the same author?
Are you going to add it to TBR?
Are cat lover or dog lover? or both?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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