

Hello Readers! I hope you all had great week. My week in reading felt little slow. The last book I finished was long and steady paced. Moreover, I didn’t feel like reading once or twice due to change in my daughter’s clock. I could get time in morning with post writing and reading blogs but then for the rest of the day I couldn’t do much as she was up from noon 12 to 2 or 3 a.m. No nap in between! That left no time to read at night as well. I don’t know how she gets that much energy. She wanted more attention due to teething problem. I’m in desperate need of vacation. It’s been 2 years, I haven’t gone anywhere, didn’t even watch movie in multiplex, or at home without break, and haven’t even gone for shopping. (online book shopping doesn’t count)

Anyway I still managed to read 2 books (with lots of break and interruption).

What I read last week-

The Call of Death by R.J. Garcia

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This was different read. I enjoyed reading characters, psychic gift and mystery of stopping serial killer from killing loved one and innocent people. It was interesting, thrilling and well written book. You can read my review — HERE.

Blackthorn by Terry Tyler

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This was long and steady paced dystopian novel. I didn’t realize it was part of series until I read author’s note/ acknowledgement at the end. It can perfectly read as standalone. I would like to read previous stories set in same world. They must be about what happened before this present story and how they created Blackthorn city. Anyway, this was amazing book. It was lot different than other post-apocalyptic world I read. I enjoyed the theme of faith and belief combined with oppressive ruler. I’m writing review on this. I’ll post it tomorrow.

What I’ll read next-

The Break Up by Tilly Tennant

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What happens when Mr Right goes rogue?

Lara doesn’t have a back-up plan. So when her safe-bet boyfriend Lucien dumps her for her best friend, Lara’s world implodes. Life after the break up stretches bleakly ahead, lonely evenings on the sofa with only a bottle of wine and her grey cat Fluffy for company…

Down the road, Theo loves his job as a jazz musician, giving other people great nights out before coming home in the early hours and unwinding with his loyal cat Satchmo.

What they don’t know is that it’s the same cat.

And when they find out, standing in the streets in their pyjamas, both on the hunt for their lost pet, sparks of the wrong sort fly.

Lara can’t deny that Theo is one of the most gorgeous men she’s ever met, but she can see exactly why he’s still single. They do say opposites attract… but is she ready to move on? And when Lucien comes back into the picture, will she be tempted back to her life before the break up, or risk everything on the chance of something new?

A wonderfully warm will-they-won’t-they romantic read that will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. If you’re a fan of Jill Mansell and Carole Matthews, The Break Up is the love story you’ve been waiting for.
Previously titled: A Cat Called Cupid 

Last week only I received email the title is changed. This is new title. I liked the old one! I’ll see which one was more fitting once I read the book. I first saw this book on The Belgian Reviewer. As soon as I read Inge’s review, I knew I would like this and had to request it on NetGalley. Lucky me, I got approval. I hope to enjoy this one.

In the Shadow of the Hanging Tree by Michael A. McLellan

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In 1865 a shadow hovers over the nation: the shadow lingers still…

Born into slavery, Henry’s young life is spent working in tobacco drying sheds on Missouri plantations. Freed at the onset of the Civil War, he’s alone, starving, and on the run from Confederate militiamen.

Five years later, Clara Hanfield, the daughter of a powerful New York shipping magnate, escapes her tyrannical father and travels west in pursuit of John Elliot, the man she loves. John, a U.S. Army lieutenant, was sent to the Dakota Territory where he discovers a government conspiracy to incite an all-out war with the Indians; a war meant to finally eliminate them as an obstacle to the westward expansion.

Henry finds himself caught in the middle.

Aided by Clara, John, and his native ally, Standing Elk, Henry must battle hatred, greed, and the ghosts of his past during this turbulent and troubling time in American history.

This is blog tour book. I almost forgot about this book until I received an email from Shannon in beginning of the month. It’s good my stop is next week, plenty time to read.

Let’s discuss!

What did you read last week?
What are you planning to read this week?
Have you read any of these books?


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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