Cover reveal

#bookreveal #promo : Everything I Do by M.C. Frank @mcfrank_author

Hello Readers! Today I’m happy to spread the word about new Robin Hood novel, Everything I Do by M.C. Frank. Please check out the book details and beautiful book trailer in this post.

Book Details

Everything I Do by M.C. Frank (Outlaws #1)
Publication Date:
April 17th 2019
Genre: Fairy Tale / Retelling / Historical Fiction / Romance

This Robin Hood book will steal your heart.

Robin Hood, hidden deep in the Sherwood Forest, is fighting to restore the land to its rightful king, surrounded by his faithful friends, green leaves and clear skies. He is also fighting to keep himself and his company alive, but that comes second. Burdened with secrets, betrayal and an incredible responsibility, this is what keeps him awake at nights: Survivor’s guilt. The girl he was in love with as a lad died saving his life five years ago. Robin has exhausted himself looking for her with no hope of finding her alive, when he meets a slender youth who surprises him with his courage and skill with the bow and arrow. Little knowing that both their lives will be irrevocably changed.

In the grand castle in Nottinghamshire lives an unhappy and tortured lady, forced to obey the wishes of a tyrannical Sheriff and his ruthless assassin, Guy of Gisborne. They have trained her for years, with one purpose in mind only: she is to be disguised as a boy, and sent to the forest to assassinate Robin Hood. On their orders, she pretends to sneak out to the forest in danger of her life, to come to the aid of the outlaws. When, in reality, it is she who will destroy them.

Then, Robin and the “boy” meet. Two worlds collide, resulting in unimaginable danger and intense romance. Maybe, just maybe, they can be each other’s salvation. But will they survive the unimaginable truth when the past comes back to haunt them both? In honor of the girl who saved his life, Robin has vowed never to hurt a woman. So it’s only a woman who can kill him. But what if his assassin falls in love with him? What if she’s never stopped loving him, not for a single moment?

Filled with adventure, intrigue and wild romance, this is a Robin Hood story unlike any you have ever read before!

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Book Trailer

About Author

Learn more about author and her New Adult, Young Adult, scifi, Greek mythology and historical novels at

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Isn’t that cover is gorgeous?

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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