
My Perfect Brother-in-Law by Cristina Hodgson

Other books I read by Cristina Hodgson-

Book 1- A Little of Chantelle Rose
Book 2- Valentina (Chantelle Rose Series #2)
Book 3 – Isabella (Book III of the Chantelle Rose Series)

My Perfect Brother-in-Law by Cristina Hodgson
Expected publication Date : February 14th 2019
Read Date : February 1 2019
Genre : Romantic Comedy Suspense / Humor
Page : 264
Stars : 5/5

Online dating by proxy. No one would know, right? 

Zara isn’t looking for love. She already has that covered—Nigel is her perfect husband. All she needs to do now is find the perfect man for her twin sister Emmy, too. To protect her sister (and surprise her), Zara throws herself into online dating with gusto. 

Shawn Taylor, undercover detective, returns home on a private assignment. It is the perfect chance to see Zara again and explain why he’d left so suddenly twenty years ago. Ultimately, he is here to protect her. His brief says she is in serious danger. 

But something doesn’t add up. Why is Zara going out with scores of men when hubby is out of town? What kind of twisted game is she playing? 

And why, when the castle of cards collapses in a messy heap, is she standing, wielding a whip, over a villain with an erection the size of the Eiffel Tower and his hands tied behind his back? 

Pick up this hilarious rom-com to find out. 

My Perfect Brother-in-Law was dramatic refreshing mix of romcom, little bit of suspense, and women’s fiction that revolved around Zara’s life, her love for her twin sister- Emmy and her quest of finding perfect brother-in-law. The book was about love, friendship, betrayal; being free from past, unfaithful relationship, and other people’s expectations; and about being yourself, living life on your own terms.

Zara, 40-years-old married lady was living a happy married life, was perfect wife, sister and person who molded herself according to her loved one’s expectations. But when life takes unexpected twist she turned out into an amazing person. She was witty, charming and most lovable person in the book.

Shawn- I have mix feeling for him. He was a private detective hired to protect Zara which gave him a perfect chance to re-enter her life. At first I wasn’t sure what to think about him. He seemed stalker than detective and he was going off the track for his own selfishness. I didn’t appreciate Shawn’s approach, he messed up in every possible way. His action felt real as a hopeless lover but I liked him being true to himself.

Nigel– Zara’s husband, was workaholic, pedantic and pretentious. He spent money more than a king would and OMG, that wonderful surprise he gave Zara on her birthday! It was so romantic but also too ostentatious. All that was just outer facade. As we read more in the book his real face was revealed He was not so ideal husband after all. He was insensitive and inconsiderate and pathetic jerk ever existed. He just cared for his stark white carpet!

Emmy – Zara’s Twin sister was highly unpredictable. I had a lot of questions about here actions in the book and I’m glad she admitted her faults in the end.  

The story was first person narrative from perspective of Zara and Shawn. The writing was simply great. I loved those quote worthy line at the end of each chapter expressing the feeling of characters and the insights we get from situations in the book.

Book started with intro of main character Zara, her bond with her husband and her twin sister Emily. How Zara wanted to make Emily’s life colorful so that she can come out of her grief and so she registered on online dating filling in her details (literally hers except the name) to find her perfect brother-in-law. It was so much fun to read the details she uploaded on the site and I knew instantly I’m going to love her.

Zara made me smile from the very first chapter. Her witty sense of humor, classy appearance, fresh voice and ideas of revenge was just brilliant. All of her dates were hilarious, especially that last date with Craig. My god, she was amazing. She surprised me by her improvising skill and how she got out of that embarrassing situation. Her development was mind-blowing. I really enjoyed chapters from her perspective.

It sounded humorous from the blurb and beginning. It had many chucklesome, laugh-out-loud, heartwarming and romantic moments but the book also had serious and tense moments.

Prologue gave away who hired Shawn but the question was why. First half raised so many questions- why she made that phone call? Why Shawn was stalking Zara, her husband and her life? How it was related to Shawn’s work and why he had his doubts? Why Shawn left long ago without goodbye and what makes him think Zara would let him enter her life? What Nigel was hiding and what wrong he was doing? Some answers I could guess at certain point and some I couldn’t. The suspense was not that strong but it was intriguing enough to grip me till the last page.

Book was even more interesting in last 40% of the book. It was full of twist and turns. I honestly didn’t expect Zara’s life turn upside down. It was tragic to see everything shattering in spur of moment. Zara surprised me by taking over her life so fast. She turned from naïve, filtered, and idealistic person to confident, free, and strong woman who could take care of herself without needing any man in her life. I loved to read Zara’s complex relationship with Shawn and Emily. Emily’s letter in last chapter won my heart. Loved the end of the book and epilogue was just perfect.

Overall, it was entertaining, dramatic, fun and refreshing to read romcom suspense with a fitting title. I definitely recommend this book.

Author : Cristina Hodgson

Purchase Link : /

*** Note: I received e-copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. ***

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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