Fantasy,  Review,  YA

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, Chris Riddell (Illustrator)


The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Published December 2008 (first published September 30th 2008)
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Read Date: November 29th 2018
Genre: Fantasy / YA / Horror / Paranormal
Pages: 289
Stars: 5/5
5 star

The Graveyard book was mix of paranormal, horror story; a wonderful childhood story of Nobody Owens living quirky life among the dead and yearning to learn more about world of living and killer who killed his parents.
Book started with how Nobody Owens (Bod) came to live in graveyard and got adopted by the Owens. Bod’s adventurous nature while he was toddler in the beginning hooked me to the story and I knew I’m going to adore this kid. Bod was clever, inquisitive, and courageous kid. There were lot of characters in the book. Characterization was unique and I loved to read about all the characters and their relationship with Bod. Relationship between Bod and Silas was most fascinating to read. They had unique bonding and I enjoyed dialogues between them and the way Silas handled Bod’s inquisitive nature.
There were ghosts, ghouls, witch, werewolf, mummy, bullies, criminals, and greedy people… everything young readers would love to read in the book. Each chapter depicted adventure of Body in graveyard as well as in outside world and introduced new character both inhabitant of graveyard and characters from outside world with their short story along with a new lesson to learn for Bod.
I loved the way Neil Gaiman explained difficult words in the book. He narrated story charmingly with picturesque description and imagination. Setting of the Graveyard on the hill, its inhabitants with their headstone inscription and their story was the best part of the book. I enjoyed Bod’s adventure in school and the way he handled bullies. Another favorite chapter was his adventure in world of ghouls.
This book gave insight on belongingness through Bod’s connection with both worlds, family and friendship, importance of teaching and learning that saved Bod in the world of Living and Dead. The twist and turns in each adventure was thrilling. The mystery about why man Jack killed Bod’s family and whether Bod could escape from the man Jack or will he take his revenge for murdering his family made the book gripping and unputdownable. Well, that reason was just meh, I didn’t buy it but that didn’t stop me adoring this book. End was good and satisfactory. I wish I could read more. This was my first book by Neil Gaiman and won’t be the last.
Overall, it was interesting gripping adventure of Bod and His life in graveyard that I recommend to all young readers who enjoy horror and thriller stories with quirky characters.

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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