
Monthly Wrap-Up: July 2018

July 2018 wrapup

Hey Book Lovers! I hope you all are doing well. My reading month was good. I have finished books I decided to read this month. I have limited review requests and I’m really enjoying reading as I’m not reading them under pressure any pressure. It’s so good to be back to reading-for-fun mode. I finally can read books I have purchased or won in giveaways and I’m satisfied with that. 

Books I read this month are-

If you haven’t read reviews on these books please check out the links below.

Total Books Read: 7
Total Pages read: 1998

Target this month:

[√]Read at least 5 Books
[√]minimum 3 posts a week
[√]Read one purchased book
[√]Read one giveaway book

Classics / Fiction:

Anne of Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables #1) by L.M. Montgomery

5 Stars

Refreshing, lovely story. The book had a feel good factor that will put a smile on every reader’s face.

Cozy Mystery:

Barnabas Tew and the Case of the Missing Scarab by Columbkill Noonan

4.5 Stars

Humorous cozy mystery set in Victorian London era nicely blended with Egyptian mythology. The book was quirky and purely entertainment.

Non-Fiction / Pregnancy:

Joy of Pregnancy 2nd Edition The Complete, Candid, and Reassuring Companion for Parents-to-Be by Tori Kropp

5 Stars

Helpful, informative, straightforward. There was everything in this book that you would like to know and love to read about pregnancy.

Spiritual Fiction:

The Day I Met My Soul : Meraki and Her Inner-World Adventures by Meeta Gupta

4 Stars

Inspiring, motivating, thought-provoking spiritual fiction with deep words and poems.

Contemporary Fiction-Fantasy:

The Things We Learn When We’re Dead by Charlie Laidlaw

5 Stars

Cozy, quirky, ironic novel with innovative concept, cleverly written plot, and many insightful messages.


Unwritten by Tara Gilboy

3.75 Stars

Interesting book with dark magical plot, complex characters and insightful messages. I would have given it full star, if it was a bit longer, bit fun with gradual development.

Short Story Review: 1

Children’s Fiction:

Hat by Renée Paule, G.R. Hewitt

5 Stars

Fun, beautiful book with wonderful lifelong lessons both for kids and parents.

Book Blitz: 3

#BOOKBLITZ: Death in Vermilion by Barbara Elle @barbaraelleauth @shanannigans81

#BookPromo: Era of Undying by Emilie Knight

#BookBlitz #Review: Barnabas Tew and the Case of the Missing Scarab by Columbkill Noonan @rararesources @ColumbkillNoon1

Cover reveal: 1

#CoverReveal: The Witch’s Tower by Tamara Grantham

Other Posts:

I Spy Book Tag

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Book Quotes:

#BookmarkedQuotes (8)

Bookmarked Quote (9)


July 2018 wrap up

How was you month in reading?
What are you planning to read this month?
Have you read any of these books or planning to read?

Share your thoughts or link to your monthly wrap-up in comment-box below.

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


  • Rachana

    What a great reading month! I’m bad at sticking to a tbr but I’ve decided that I’m going to finish The Poppy War and The Loneliest Girl in the Universe this month! * fingers crossed * Well have an amazing August!

  • Marie

    It seems like you had a good reading month, so glad you’re satisfied with what you’ve been reading, that’s the best feeling ever 🙂 I LOVE your month at a glance thing and how you organize everything by writing it down the old fashioned way and not online, that’s so great 😀
    I hope you’ll have a lovely August! ❤

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