
How to Walk Away by Katherine Center

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Publication date: May 15th 2018

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Read Date: May 12th 2018

Genre: Women’s Fiction / Chick Lit

Pages: 320

Stars: 5/5 (more than 5 star)

5 star_crop

Goodreads blurb_edited

From the author of Happiness for Beginners comes an unforgettable love story about finding joy even in the darkest of circumstances. 

Margaret Jacobsen has a bright future ahead of her: a fiancé she adores, her dream job, and the promise of a picture-perfect life just around the corner. Then, suddenly, on what should have been one of the happiest days of her life, everything she worked for is taken away in one tumultuous moment. 

In the hospital and forced to face the possibility that nothing will ever be the same again, Margaret must figure out how to move forward on her own terms while facing long-held family secrets, devastating heartbreak, and the idea that love might find her in the last place she would ever expect. 

How to Walk Away is Katherine Center at her very best: an utterly charming, hopeful, and romantic novel that will capture reader’s hearts with every page.


Margaret’s biggest fear came to life on happiest day of her life.

This is one of the most charming and lovable book I ever read. Just as blurb said it touch my heart and made me feel all kind of emotions at every page. How to Walk away is a women fiction revolved around Margaret, her life and family. It was about the courage, hope, and love. About how to move on in life after losing everything, walk through darkness towards light and joy, how to walk away of grief, grudge and things that are holding you back from being happy. It was utterly motivating and inspiring book that you should read at least once in life.


Margaret– I simply adore her. As blurb said she had everything in life- great job, picture perfect boyfriend, the future she imagined but nothing had prepared her for what she going to face after valentine day. She was smart, strong, resilient, relentless, lively, calm, good hearted and so practical woman. She was everything I want in character.

Family dynamic was so awesome. I loved her family specially her elder sister- Kitty. She was another character I would prefer to be in book. She was strong, did what she want to do, confident, full of life and oh my, her sister love was so charming that I wish she was real my sister. Her father – Cliff– was most adorable parent. He was practical and supported his both daughters in their ups and downs. Her mother- Linda– she was both likable and thoughtless or irritating. Both sisters described her perfectly but at the same time she was great mother and I loved her at the end.

Chip– (can we skip this character?) I seriously didn’t want to know him after what he did and how he behaved when Margaret needed him most. He turned out exactly opposite of what I thought in initial chapters.

Ian– Scottish guy, Margaret’s Physical Therapist. He was different from all other PTs in hospital. Reticent, not encouraging or motivating, not interested in any chat, lost in his thoughts but was also was very professional, caring, and attentive one. He didn’t open up to anyone or let his good side to see. He was just great.

What I liked_edited

I so loved that cover, isn’t it eye catching and beautiful?

The book was narrated by Margaret and so it made me to feel all her thoughts, what she was going through and what she felt. It literally touch my heart. If it was third person narrative, I don’t think it would have the same effect. Her monologues and emotions were heartfelt. Plot was great and it was written phenomenally by author. I can say it was book club worthy book.

Author did really good job on research. All she mentioned about research in acknowledgment I could clearly see in the book. Medical terminology, description of injuries and recovery was thorough and was remarkably represented. It was not that difficult for me, in fact I loved this part, but some readers who are not from science field may have little difficulty in these portion but I’m sure you won’t feel like it is going over the head or boring.

All characters were great leaving few exceptions. They were realistic, practical and felt true. One can easily put themselves in their shoe and find that they would have done the same. Their development was mind-blowing especially of Margaret and her mother. They became so wise and even more adorable towards the end.

The family secret and past of Ian were unpredictable. Those portion were intriguing. I view them with different eye after that, though it never made me be judgmental specifically on family secret, which was good because usually in such case I instantly decide I don’t like this character. I was feeling exactly like Margaret.

This I can say was emotional roller-coaster. It had the sadness that made me cry, I was angry at characters, happy to see Margaret growing, admiring at resilient relentless efforts of characters, goofy on reading the romantic part, funny and sarcastic side of character made me laugh freely. Without a doubt it had all kind of emotions. Though it was sad at points but definitely had feel good factor throughout the book.

Chemistry between Ian and Margaret was charming and romance was clean. What can I say about the love and marriage proposals in the book? It was so beautiful. I was speechless and it made me smile like maniac. Climax was just great and let’s just say it had lovely feel good ending and epilogue.

Ahh, after a long time I read such amazing book! Overall, it was lovable, refreshing, inspiring and motivating Women’s fiction with clean and beautiful romance. I highly recommend this book to all readers of all age.


Author: Katherine Center

To read more about author click⇒ Here

*** Note: I received ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to publisher and NetGalley. ***

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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