
Monthly Wrap-Up: March 2018

March 2018 wrapup

Hey Book Lovers! I hope you all had a great month. Mine was good, I enjoyed my 1 week vacation had a good reading month as well just 1 book behind that I’m hoping to finish by tomorrow. I’m feeling lot of tired after returning from vacation and I’m terribly slow with reading in fact I’m reading less posts than usual. I’m feeling real lazy these days. Anyways back to Month in reading,

I read and reviewed-

YA / Mystery / Adventure:

kitty hawk 5 f

Kitty Hawk and the Mystery of the Masterpieces (Kitty Hawk Flying Detective Agency #5) by Iain Reading


Awesome adventurous mystery with loads of things to know and learn that readers of all age would love to read.

Women’s Fiction / Chick Lit:

husbands and the other sharp objects

Husbands and Other Sharp Objects by Marilyn Simon Rothstein

Stars: 5/5

Refreshing, hilarious, entertaining, dramatic, fast paced, clean romance, and relatable relationships with quirky and witty characters. Pinch of everything that made the book most enjoyable.



Happiness Is Chosen Wisely: 3300 Axioms of Self-Evident Truths by Byer

stars: 4/5

It was meaningful, insightful, thought-provoking axioms that will make you realize what a true happiness is.

Fantasy / Dystopian:


Elena Ransom and the Catalan Atlas (Elena Ransom #2) by J.S. Wood


Unique and interesting dystopian world with colorful characters, nice smooth twist and turns that made this book unputdownable.

Romance / Fiction:

what matters most

What Matters Most by Helen Bea Kirk


Entertaining, funny, dramatic clean romance novel



Destiny’s Gambit (The Voyages of Jake Flynn #1) by R.J. Wood

Stars: 4.5/5

Fast paced, enjoyable adventurous sci-fi with creative world and smooth writing that all young reader would love to explore.


The Bone Curse (Benjamin Oris #1) by Carrie Rubin

Stars: 3.75/5

It was mix of science and religious belief, and occult practice. Great, unique, intriguing that glued me to book till the end.

Short Story reviews-

Saturday Short-Story Review: Bigfoot (Mysterious Monsters #1) by David Michael Slater

Stars: 5/5

Saturday Short-Story Review: Greek Mythology: Beyond Mount Olympus by in60Learning

Stars: 4/5

Saturday Short-Story Review: Alien (Mysterious Monsters #2) by David Michael Slater

Stars: 5/5

Other posts:

Book Blitz/Promo:

#BookPomo #BookSpotlight : Full Circle by Regina Timothy

Mask Beneath Her Face by Rafael Chandler #Giveaway #Horror #BlogTour @shanannigans81

#BookPromo #BlogTour: Sweet Home Summer by Michelle Vernal @rararesources @MichelleVernal

Cover Reveal:

Cover Reveal: Amy Cole has lost her mind by Elizabeth McGivern @rararesources

#CoverReveal: Pretty Little Things by T.M.E Walsh @NeverlandBT @tmewalsh

Books Tags/Awards:



Unique Blogger Award (2)

This is how my month at glance looks like-


How was your month in reading? What have you read? Do we share common books from this list? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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