
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? (16)

It's Monday! What Are You ReadingIt’s Monday! What Are You Reading?’ is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It’s a great post to organise yourself. This meme started with J Kaye’s Blog   and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date.

Hello Book Lovers! It’s another Monday and here goes my plans for this week as well as what I read last week.

What I read and reviewed last week∼

Rani Padmavati: The Burning Queen by Anuja Chandramouli

Inspired by Susan Schaefer Bernardo

Saturday Short Story review: Detective Nosegoode and the Museum Robbery (Book #3) by Marian Orloń

I finished reading- Kitty Hawk and the Tragedy of the RMS Titanic (Kitty Hawk Flying Detective Agency #4) by Iain Reading– and will review it tomorrow.

Currently Reading ∼

River (A Stranger in the Woods #2) by India R. Adams

river_full.jpgSPECIAL PRE-ORDER PRICE (a savings of $2.99)

He wipes blood from his mouth with his bare arms. “I need you to hold still so I don’t feel the need to chase and conquer. Do you understand?”
I feel his breath on my skin. “My chances if I run?”

I had wondered if I would be strong enough to love Ryder, my stranger from the woods. I learned that I was—still am. But now Ryder, Gunner and I have a young together, Rain, the Princess go the Guardian Warriors. And a very powerful being, King of the Shadow Clones, wants her dead. The only time I ever saw King was in the dream where forced a kiss on me, sending me into labor. Yes, I learned I was strong enough to love Ryder, but with a new stranger in the woods, will he be strong enough to love me?

Author, India R. Adams, blurs the lines between “good” and “evil, between “black” and “white”, and shows us the beautiful spectrum on the gray tones. She will make you fall for those darker shades of gray, as well as the lighter ones. She shows us the importance of the balance, and of nature. She shows us the complexity of “human” nature and humans in general… and well elves too. She shows us that every action has immeasurable consequences, and that sometimes certain outcomes are unavoidable. The spiritual undertone in this book is beautiful. —Blogger, The Reading Cat

Next this week∼

Prithviraj Chauhan: The Emperor of Hearts by Anuja Chandramouli

Prithviraj-Chauhan-finalPrithviraj Chauhan was destiny’s chosen one, singled out for glory and greatness. During the course of an extraordinary life, he transcended the limits imposed on mortals and achieved Godlike luster. The conquering hero dreamed of a united land where peace prevailed over war and love over hate.

Princess Samyukta loved him from afar, and when Prithviraj Chauhan claimed her for his own, defying the wrath of an implacable foe, their happiness was complete. Victorious in love and war, Prithviraj Chauhan was soon to discover that success came with a terrible price – trouble, treachery and tragedy. What happened next? Read the tale of the legendary warrior who lives on in the hearts of those who remember his unmatched valor and timeless heroism.

What are you reading this week? How was your last week? Have you read any of these books before or planning to read in future? What do you think about them?? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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