Saturday Sort-Story Review

Saturday Short-Story Review: The Anger Volcano – A Book About Anger for Kids by Amanda Greenslade

Cover Reveal

Hey everyone! today’s short story is non fiction children’s picture book, The Anger Volcano – A Book About Anger for Kids by Amanda Greenslade

The Anger Volcano.jpg

Published: June 14th 2017 by Australian eBook Publisher

Read Date: November 11th 2017

Stars: 4/5

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Goodreads blurb_edited

“The Anger Volcano: A Book About Anger for Kids” is for children who need a little bit of inspiration to control their temper. A valuable resource for parents, counsellors, youth workers and teachers, it builds on the principles of neuroplasticity. “The Anger Volcano” encourages kids to use simple rhymes and exercises to train their brain, so that anger explosions can become a thing of the past.


The book as said in the blurb was about helping kids in controlling anger. Teaching them at early age how they can have control on their mind and anger. How by practicing techniques given in the book they can distract their mind from the current thing that is boiling their mind and cool down back to normal and that way they do less or no damage to others and themselves. By practicing those techniques they can put anger into past.

I liked that all Pictures were kept very simple by hand drawing. They looked good even though they were not colorful, just simple black and whites. There were few techniques given in book. Narration was good in easy language that kids can understand.

This book can help in controlling anger by putting these techniques into practice at early age and those kids who needs a little guidance in anger control. It also can serve as a good medium in bringing up a discussion with kids, they can come up with situation and doubts regarding anger and help them to open up.

why not 5 stars_edited

I personally believe Anger is very complex thing there should be more than these few techniques, no doubt they were good and very basic to start from, but more situational examples and how to deal with it might have helped more.


Overall, it was good motivational book and great attempt in helping kids with anger. I recommend this book all parents and teachers.


Author: Amanda Greenslade

Know more about author Here.

Buy Here: /

*** Note: I received a review copy of this book via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Publisher and author.  ***

What do you think about the book and review? share you thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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