Book Tag/Award

Disney Princess Sidekicks Book Tag


Hey Everyone! I was nominated to Disney Princess Sidekicks Book Tag by Mandy @Book Princess Reviews. You can check out her original book tag and answers to that HERE. Don’t forget to check out her blog specially all her The Princesses Read . Thank you Mandy for for nominating me to this tag.

And I’m warning you there’s so much Percy in answers. This character is my all time favorite. (Age never matters when book and character is so good. )



Magnus Bane in Shadowhunter chronicles.

Percy Jackson

Weasley twins – I wish I could see them more. I loved their tricks in Harry Potter. 

Iko in Cinder – How can I forget this friendly sarcastic Android. She was amazing in whole series.

the seven dwarfs

The Seven Dwarfs from Snow White

Favorite Group/Ensemble

Percy’s at camp Half Blood

Josh’s crew in Serenity

Pascal from Tangled

The loyal cheerleader chameleon (not a frog, Flynn Rider) – Name a book that started out one way but changed for you

The Girl on Train and The Magic Shop– These started too slow, I thought I won’t like them and will rate low but I liked them after almost 50% of the book.

Ananta Shesha Naga– Though it has many editing errors, I felt this book had potential after reading first few chapters. But sadly this turned out real bad than I expected.


Meeko from Pocahontas

Pocahontas’s sly and sneaky raccoon friend – Name a plot twist that you did not see coming


Percy Jackson and Olympians


No Vain Loss (No Ordinary Star, #3)

Rajah from Aladdin / Flounder from The Little Mermaid

Gentle with their princess but protective with everyone else – Name your favorite best friend in a novel

Alec in MI

Maisie in Glass Vault

Louis from The Princess and the Frog / Sebastian from The Little Mermaid / Cogsworth, Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, & Chip from Beauty and the Beast

The Musical Bunch – Name a novel where music played a big part or made you want to sing its praises

Destiny- music plays big part in this book

And sing the praises of Percy Jackson series.


Maximus from Tangled

The obstacle in Flynn Rider’s way – Name a character that faces a lot of obstacles

Cinder in Lunar Chronicles

Percy in Percy Jackson series

Jace and Clary in Mortal Instrument

meridas bros

Hamish, Hubert, & Harris from Brave

Favorite family dynamics in a novel

Lightwoods – in Shadowhunter Chronicles specifically The Dark Artifices. This family was so complex and I liked to read about them, each member of this family was different from the other. They made book so interesting.

Weasleys – Do I need to say anything about this family!!

Ray from The Princess and the Frog / 3 Fairies from Sleeping Beauty

The Advice Givers – Book that most impacted your life

Harry Potter – when you say Advice Giver what other book can come to mind than this.

LOTR – because it made me fall in love with Fantasy world. This was the first series I picked when I started reading and I couldn’t stop later. I recognized my passion for reading so it holds special place.

Percy Jackson- Because it showed me mythical world and I instantly fell in love with this genre. Before this series I never gave much thoughts to Mythology, I read Indian mythical tales but I never said I love it, they were so serious and there was no fun in reading them. This series changed my mind, it showed that mythology can be so interesting with all entertainment and now I’m never getting tired of them ever.

hei hei

Hei Hei from Moana

Name a character that steals the show

Percy, Leo, (in Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus) and Iko (Lunar Chronicle). They were amazing in their respective series. strong, smart, sarcastic, and hilarious.

gus and jaq

Gus & Jaq from Cinderella

Opposites Attract – Name your favorite or worst opposite attracts pairing

FavoriteAstra and Felix in No Ordinary Star. Isabella and Simon in Shadowhunter Chronicles.

I tag-


Coffeeloving Bookoholic


Happy Reading! 🙂




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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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