Saturday Sort-Story Review

Saturday Short Story Review: All Aboard The Discovery Express: Open the Flaps and Solve the Mysteries by Emily Hawkins and Tom Adams

Saturday Short Story Review

Hello Everyone! I hope you guys are having cheerful weekend. I know I never made post after after I return from vacation. Honestly I’m feeling very lazy these days. I’m reading less, posting less and not even going through all emails and so I’m missing posts I usually love to read. You won’t believe. I’m reading just 20-30 pages a day. I’m trying to finish this one book after I return from vacation and I just read total 100 pages in 3 days. So guys forgive if I’m being less active, I’m trying to come back to my older schedule and I have to ASAP to even fulfill commitments I have given to authors. And also will write a post on what I did in Mumbai, I bought books as well.

Back to today’s post….

On Saturday Short Story Review, I’m reviewing children fiction, time-traveling adventure- All Aboard The Discovery Express: Open the Flaps and Solve the Mysteries by Emily Hawkins and Tom Adams.

discovery express cover.png

Published: 07 September 7th 2017 by Quarto Publishing Group – Wide Eyed Editions

Read Date: October 28 2017

Pages: 32

Stars: 4/5

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Welcome on board the Discovery Express! The year is 1937. Crew of the Discovery Express, Nancy, the geographer and explorer and Pierre, the conductor are solving the clues left by missing Professor Pendleton- leader of the expedition crew and traveling across the world according to the clues he left behind. Visit places of the greatest inventions and learn the how inventor invented them. – Plane, train, car, hot-air balloon and many other related to travel. And help the crew to find missing scientist.

This is time-travel children’s Fiction, a picture book that will take to the history of transport with lots of facts and mystery to solve on every page.


Lovvvedd that cover! Isn’t that beautiful?

This book was very creative and brilliant. I loved exploring each pages with amazing greatest inventions of the world right from Panama Canal, steam boats, trams to hot air balloon.

The beginning of the book was the best in the book. Nancy, the geographer and explorer and Pierre, the conductor of Discovery Express, took us to the map room on Discovery Express where the inventions were shown on the map of the world with year, place, inventors and little facts on them. With the clues left at the end of each pages all the greatest inventions were introduced with all the details right from its idea to design, facts and figures, mechanism, and how it worked out during that time period with beautiful illustration with language that children of age 9 or more can understand.

See this beautiful picture of steam boat, I simply loved all pictures in this book.Illustrator has done amazing job in this book.

steam boat_edited

I loved that hot air balloon invention. The letter inventor wrote to his wife was funny. Details of Panama Canal was amazing to read. Oh and the first invention wheel was also narrated in detail. Many facts described in the book were even new to me. The book is best education material that I sure every school would like to teach through it. All the things were written in beautiful way with colorful pages keeping in mind that children enjoy reading each facts and also help them memorize them.

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My only concern with this book was, small text. I read PDF version and some text I couldn’t read even after zooming. I didn’t try magnifying glass as I don’t have one right now. But because of this issue I couldn’t read few facts written, specifically in last 2 or 3 pages, about airplane, bicycle, jet plane and submarines. So I just hope this drawback is solved in physical copy (it need to be Big copy with readable fonts).


Overall, it was informative, fun to read, beautifully illustrated quick journey to history of transport. This book was perfect read you wish for your children.


Author: Emily Hawkins and Tom Adams

Illustrator: Tom Clohosy Cole

Buy Here: /

*** Note: I received a review copy of this book from publishers via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. ***

What do you think about the book and review? Have you read this book? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.

Happy Reading! 🙂

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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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