Diary of Anna the Girl Witch 3: Fighting Witch by Vic Connor
Published: February 25th 2017 by Helvetic House
Read Date: July 24th 2017
Stars: 5/5
Fighting Witch is third and last book in the series ‘Diary of Anna the Girl Witch’.
Blurb (in my words)-
Just after her adventure in Siberia, Anna set to another adventure of finding her father’s heart based on her deceased mother’s clue. With a piece of puzzles, she travels from Siberia to Geneva to Canada and to arctic region of North America. (Pheeewww! she travels a lot in this book) In this adventure she meet some great to terrific magical being some helps in her journey while some makes it onerous. And through out this adventure her best friend Lauraleigh accompanies her.
And then there is ever growing darkness inside her that she had to battle over. What she will learn in this journey? At the end of all, will she able find her father’s heart and how?
My view:
First book – Anna finds about her being a witch and that she is not orphan. Second book- Anna meets her father and know him more deeply and saves him.
This book takes Anna and readers more closer to her deceased mother (Sereda). Anna learns a lot about her mother throughout this book. And also more about the magical world. This time Anna wrote about her journey, solving puzzles, and the magical being she met during the journey into her Diary which awesome.
My favorite lines from the book:
“… how many people walk around this planet feeling bad or sad or angry, all because they missed their chance to talk things over? I don’t ever want to be like that. Ever.”
Characters: Anna was amazing throughout the book. I loved to read her thoughts and she she is going to be my favorite teen character. I liked that at the end she learns from her mistake and try not repeat them. Lauraleigh – I loved to hear her part in this book. She made me wish to have such a friend in my life. New characters and magical being were introduced in this last book. They were all so fascinating that I don’t want this book last in the series, I want to read more and want author to create more of such characters. I loved Chudo so much that I want him for real. I liked Evelyne too I could relate few of my traits with this character. I could be that snappy sometimes that everyone around me think like Anna.
What I liked? Few things remained same that I liked in the first two book of the series like,- Illustrations, Anna’s words in her diary and magical objects. I liked the opening of the book, Anna’s thought in diary that gave the overview of what happened in Anna’s life till now, short summery of first two books. That was fun to read especially where she described her grandmother ‘… witch who likes to turn children into stew.’ 😀 Anna’s thoughts were every funnier in this book that I enjoyed reading.
Second, I loved author’s creative imagination. When I decided to start this book I had no idea what new I’m going to read, I thought I got everything in the first two book, I was totally clueless. Vic surprised me by giving new characters and new charm to story with odd humor and mind-boggling puzzles of Anna’s mother. I liked those clues of her mother and how different characters in the book solved them. Wow descriptions of the places and all the adventure.
And again, this book teaches a big things like the first two book. About darkness, about different sides of a person, about the Laws of unintended consequences (that was huge). I learned a lot about Canada and quantum physics. I seriously didn’t know the facts about Canada. I love it when I learn few thing through books.
Second half the book was even more interesting. The twist at this point was brilliant, I didn’t see it coming. Focus on Evelyne, and how all characters and their life was woven with each other, was unexpected and interesting. Twist and turn as the characters unfold the clues were written so gracefully that it didn’t feel off track or boring at any point and held the suspense till the end.
I loved this book even more than the first two book. I could see author has given all he could to this book to make it perfect last book of the series. All the clarifications that required about Sereda and her life, Monsieur Nolan, Evelyn, and the witch world everything was there. And my love to illustrator too he made that cannibal creature terrifying.
End– Finally I could see why everyone was so irritated towards Sereda’s odd humor and puzzles. That ending was hilarious. I exactly felt like Anna. Wow! I can’t imagine more beautiful end than this.
Overall, this book and this series will always be a refreshing one for me and child inside me would love to read it again and again. I can only imagine the age group for whom this book is written, how much they will enjoy reading it. I loved this series so much that I want read more books written by this author.
It’s adventurous, entertaining, feel-good, refreshing witch book. (okay! that was too long so, I end it here!)
Who should read it? Young witch lovers and teen would love to read this.
Author: Vic Connor
Illustrator: Raquel Barros
Publisher: Helvetic House
Buy Here: Amazon.com / Amazon.in
*** Note: I received a review copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. I’m glad I got a chance to read this book. ***
If you haven’t read my review on the first two book of the series you can check it out here-
Book 1: Diary of Anna the Girl Witch: Foundling Witch by Vic Connor
Book 2 : Wandering Witch (Diary of Anna the Girl Witch #2) by Vic Connor
What do you think about the book and my review? Have you read this book or any of the book by Vic Connor? Share your thoughts in the comment-box below.
Happy Reading! 🙂
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That book sounds cool…but doesn’t that girl on the cover look a little like Merida ? 😍😍
Books Teacup and Reviews
I didn’t think that way before. Now that you have said, I can see little similarities. This character has same red curly hair. ☺