Saturday Sort-Story Review

Saturday Short Story Review: Environmentally Friendly by Elias Zanbaka

Saturday Short Story Review

Hello Everyone! Hope you all having cheerful weekend. Today’s short story is adult fiction | thrillerEnvironmentally Friendly by Elias Zanbaka

Environmentally Friendly - Elias Zanbaka

Published: March 5th 2016 by E.Z. Entertainment

Read Date: June 1st 2017

Stars: 4.5/5

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Blurb (in my words)

Sgt. Major Bushell, once who served nation, has escaped psychiatric ward and has declared war against Mother Nature. He is major target now and being hunted by LAPD. One officer, Schaefer, finds a way that has never taken before and will go at great length to help Major.

My view: 

An apple of this catharsis will certainly keep the doctors away.

This line from the story exactly goes with the motive of the story. This is very thoughtful story about doing a right thing to help a person even if everyone is standing against you, about being compassionate and understanding the real pain of others and help to relieve that pain rather than taking extreme steps.

Initially, I was little confused, need a little time to understand what was going on in the story. It kept me engaging to read further out of curiosity. As story progressed it became clearer. Though the set-up in the story was unrealistic, it amazed me for the creative imagination of author. The little fight of officer with his colleague created perfect tension. Tension, anxiety, curiosity, and unpredictability of end everything was there in this 19 pages story with a clear message.

Why 4.5? I felt like why it ended here! I know that was compliment. I feel if the story was little longer, it would have been even more interesting.

Overall, It was quick read, well written, thrilling story. This story was perfect for a tea break read. 🙂

Who should read? Those who like to read quick thrilling story.


Amazon Book Link

*** Note: I received a review copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author. I’m glad I got a chance to read this book.  ***

What do you think about the story and my view? Share your thoughts in the comment-box bellow.

Happy Reading!  🙂


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Hi, I'm Yesha, an Indian book blogger. Avid and eclectic reader who loves to read with a cup of tea. Not born reader but I don't think I’m going to stop reading books in this life. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”


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