3 beautiful Stories for kids 5+ That Teach Kindness Selflessness and Resilience
Check out review of these Three Stories for kids 5+ That Teach Kindness Selflessness and Resilience in this post.
3 Children’s books for Age 4 to 8 Years, promise to captivate young minds
Dive into world for innocent mind with 3 captivating children's books for age 4 to 8 years that promise to captivate young minds.
Easy-to-read STEM book for kids – The Adventures of Maya by Mukund Sharma
The Adventures of Maya imaginative, easy-to-read STEM book for kids that feed the curiosity of young mind and encourage them to be whatever they wants to be.
Saturday Short-Story Review: Bigfoot (Mysterious Monsters #1) by David Michael Slater
Hello Book Lovers! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Today’s short story review is on Bigfoot first in Mysterious Monsters series by David Michael Slater. Publication Date: July 5th 2017 Publisher: Incorgnito Publishing Press…
The Call of the Swamp by Davide Cali
Hello everyone! Hope you all are enjoying weekend. Today’s short story is children’s picture-book, The Call of the Swamp by Davide Cali. Expected publication: September 25th 2017 by Eerdmans Books for Young Readers…
1. The Cycling Wangdoos 2. Bicycling Rules of the Road by Kelly Pulley
Hello Everyone! Hope you all are enjoying weekends. Today I’m reviewing 2 short stories by Kelly Pulley. The Cycling Wangdoos by Kelly Pulley Expected publication: October 28th 2017 by Schiffer Publishing Read date:…