#AuthorInterview #Spotlight : E. L. Croucher, author of Horned Winged Blessed
Hello Readers! Today I’m pleased to welcome E. L. Croucher for an interview on Books Teacup and Review. Emi is an indie writer who has written The Butterfly on Fire and her next…
#AuthorInterview #Spotlight : Palmer Pickering, author of Moon Deeds #MoonDeeds @palmerpickerin1
Hello Readers! Today I’m pleased to welcome Palmer Pickering for an interview on Books Teacup and Review. Palmer Pickering is debut author of Moon Deed, first in Star Children Saga, an adult fantasy/science-fiction…
#GuestPost #AuthorFeature: Mercenary’s Child (The Phoenix Fallacy Book 1) by Jonathan Sourbeer @vulpine_press #MercenarysChild #ThePhoenixFallacy
Hello Readers! Today I’m pleased to welcome Jonathan Sourbeer on Books Teacup and Reviews to talk about Crafting Believable Sci-Fi (and Fantasy) Worlds for his new release Mercenary’s Child, first in The Phoenix…